Exploring Leezpunk's Hidden Look in Palworld

Discovering the true appearance of the Dark Pal Leezpunk without its iconic jacket through a player's exploration.
Exploring Leezpunk's Hidden Look in Palworld


  • Unveiling Leezpunk's appearance sans jacket ignites discussions among Palworld enthusiasts.
  • Some liken the jacket-less Leezpunk to Spyro the Dragon, adding to its mystique.
  • The continuous discoveries by Palworld players showcase the game's enduring appeal and mystery.

A player in Palworld delved into the depths of the game using a special program to reveal the enigmatic Dark Pal, Leezpunk, without its characteristic black jacket. Sharing this revelation with fellow players sparked engaging conversations within the Palworld community.

Leezpunk, a purple bipedal creature, typically roams adorned in a dark hooded coat featuring a striking yellow V-shaped stripe. The hood partially conceals Leezpunk's face while allowing its yellow spiked frills to protrude. Described in the Paldeck as fond of striking poses and perfecting stances, Leezpunk's Partner Skill, Sixth Sense, aids in identifying nearby dungeons within a 100-meter radius, making it a valuable ally for scouting missions. Found in both the southwestern and northeastern regions of the Palworld map, Leezpunk emerges only at night in the latter area. Despite being a Dark-type Pal, known for its prowess, Leezpunk's combat and base-building capabilities are relatively modest. Additionally, there exists a Fire-type variant of Leezpunk named Leezpunk Ignis, sporting an orange coat instead.

Although Leezpunk may not be the most popular Pal, a discovery by a curious Palworld player unveiled what lies beneath the creature's coat. In a post on the r/Palworld subreddit, user BROHONKY shared their utilization of FModel to extract Leezpunk's in-game model from the game files. The extracted model showcased Leezpunk sans its coat, revealing a dark body outline denoting where the coat and hood typically reside. Notably, the absence of the V-shaped stripe from the hoodie hints at the coat being a distinct game element. Furthermore, Leezpunk's bare arms feature two triangular scales each.

Revealing Leezpunk's True Form Without Its Jacket

The original poster clarified the use of solely FModel without any additional alterations to Leezpunk's appearance. In ensuing discussions, players likened the jacket-less Leezpunk to the iconic character Spyro the Dragon, drawing parallels between their purple bodies and yellow adornments. While some found the unjacketed Leezpunk peculiar, others expressed gratitude towards BROHONKY for their investigative work. Encouraged by this revelation, users requested similar explorations into other Pals' hidden appearances, such as viewing Lamball without its woolly covering.

As Palworld enthusiasts continue to construct elaborate bases and unravel the mysteries of Pal designs, the community's ongoing discoveries underscore the game's enduring allure and the boundless potential for future revelations.