Player Constructs Epic Maximum Security Facility in Palworld

A committed player in Palworld builds an epic maximum security facility in their fight against Black Marketeers.
Player Constructs Epic Maximum Security Facility in Palworld


  • A dedicated Palworld player has constructed an enormous maximum security facility housing over 150 Black Marketeers.
  • This remarkable feat utilized Palworld's creature-catching mechanics, which also enable the capture of human NPCs.
  • Black Marketeers are highly sought-after targets in the game, as capturing them allows players to easily acquire some of the rarest Pals.

A Palworld enthusiast has dedicated significant effort to constructing a colossal maximum security facility, filling it with more than 150 NPCs. This impressive accomplishment adds to the array of extraordinary endeavors Palworld players have embarked on since the game's debut.

Despite comparisons to Game Freak's pocket monsters, Palworld is more of a survival crafting game than a mere Pokémon replica. It ingeniously parodies elements borrowed from Pokémon, such as its Pal Spheres, which players can use to capture human NPCs—an unprecedented feature in Game Freak's family-friendly RPGs.

Since Palworld's release in mid-January, numerous players have been exploring the ability to capture human NPCs. However, a fan has taken this mechanic to new heights by constructing a massive maximum security facility and populating it with a multitude of Black Marketeers. Created by Reddit user Prusyakish, this immense structure proved capable of accommodating over 150 prisoners with room to spare.

Prusyakish's Palworld Facility for Black Marketeers

The player's video tour of the facility garnered over 5,500 upvotes within hours of its release, swiftly making its way to the forefront of the game's largest unofficial subreddit. While many fans lauded Prusyakish's efforts against Black Marketeers, describing it as impressive and amusing, the r/Palworld moderators ultimately removed the video after it amassed several hundred comments, without providing an explanation.

Prusyakish did not disclose the duration of populating the maximum security facility. However, considering that encountering a single Black Marketeer in Palworld can be quite challenging, the endeavor likely demanded a significant number of hours. These unique merchants usually spawn in desolate locations like caves, cliffs, and remote valleys, with specific sites, such as abandoned mineshafts, always housing a Black Marketeer. Nonetheless, given their timed spawns, even frequenting these locations does not significantly reduce the time investment.

Capturing Black Marketeers in Palworld Yields Great Benefits

Even without a facility to contain them, capturing Black Marketeers can be highly advantageous for players. By summoning captured merchants to their base, players can instantly refresh their inventories, providing a reliable method to obtain some of the rarest Pals in Palworld without having to capture them.