Palia: Your Complete Guide to Finding Oily Anchovy

Discover the best locations and tips to catch the elusive Oily Anchovy in Palia.
Palia: Your Complete Guide to Finding Oily Anchovy


  • Learn where to locate Oily Anchovy in Palia
  • Master the art of catching this slimy freshwater fish
  • Utilize Oily Anchovy for various in-game purposes

Palia presents a delightful multiplayer gaming experience where players can cultivate expansive farms, foster relationships with virtual villagers, and collaborate with others to tackle quests. Within this vibrant simulation world, players engage in activities such as crop cultivation, animal hunting, and fishing, with the latter being a crucial means of sustenance and income.

Oily Anchovy, a slippery freshwater species, holds significance in Palia. It is essential for completing Nai'o's culinary quest 'Everybody Wins' and serves as a favored gift item among villagers. These fish inhabit various locations across Palia, notably Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay, with some variants being more scarce than others. This guide equips players with the knowledge needed to track down and capture Oily Anchovy in Palia.

Uncovering Oily Anchovy Locations in Palia

To encounter Oily Anchovy, venture into the rivers of Bahari Bay accessible through the Kilima Valley East Gate. Successful fishing for this species necessitates the use of Worm bait, obtainable from the Kilima General Store for 50 Gold. Alternatively, players can raise Worms on their Housing Plot by establishing a Worm Farm using Organic Matter, offering a cost-effective solution. Equip the worm bait by right-clicking while holding the fishing rod and selecting the worms from the inventory.

Oily Anchovy exclusively inhabits river waters, prompting players to explore specific zones within Barahi Bay for successful catches. A prime starting point is the Statue Garden situated in the northeastern section of the beach town. These fish can be hooked at any time of day, with optimal fishing spots identified by observing fish leaping above the water's surface, indicating the presence of rare specimens.

Follow these steps to secure your Oily Anchovy catch:

Patience may be required to reel in an Oily Anchovy, with the quality of the fishing rod impacting the rarity of the catch. A 36% catch rate is associated with Oily Anchovy, selling for 35 Gold in standard form and 52 Gold when starred. These fish can be utilized in various consumables like Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, and Fish Fillet, adding versatility to their in-game utility.