Overwatch 2's Venture Falls Short on Xbox Achievements and PlayStation Trophies

Discover the absence of new achievements for Overwatch 2's latest Damage hero, Venture, and the continuation of a disappointing trend.
Overwatch 2's Venture Falls Short on Xbox Achievements and PlayStation Trophies


  • Venture in Overwatch 2 lacks new Xbox achievements and PlayStation trophies.
  • Blizzard has ceased adding achievements for new heroes in Overwatch 2, leaving players with only in-game challenges for Venture.
  • New game modes like Flashpoint and Clash in Overwatch 2 also miss out on having their own achievements or trophies.

Blizzard introduced Venture to the Overwatch 2 lineup as a Damage hero, but players were surprised to find that Venture arrived without any additional Xbox achievements or PlayStation trophies. Since the inception of Overwatch in 2016, almost every hero in the game was accompanied by at least two associated achievements. These achievements typically required players to showcase remarkable skills with the heroes' abilities, aiding in enhancing players' understanding of each character's gameplay.

Initially launching with 19 heroes, Overwatch has steadily added 21 more heroes over time, each with their own set of two achievements. This approach encouraged players, especially achievement and trophy hunters, to explore and experiment with different characters. However, with the release of Overwatch 2, the new heroes, including Ramattra and Lifeweaver, have been devoid of any unique achievements or trophies.

Regrettably, Blizzard has chosen to discontinue the practice of adding new achievements and trophies for the latest heroes in Overwatch 2, without providing a clear rationale for this decision. The introduction of Support hero Illari without any associated achievements or trophies marked the beginning of this shift, which has persisted with Tank hero Mauga and now Damage hero Venture. Despite fans' hopes, Venture also arrived without any achievements or trophies.

Overwatch 2's Venture Misses Out on New Xbox Achievements and PlayStation Trophies

While players won't find any new Xbox achievements or PlayStation trophies for Overwatch 2's Venture, they can still engage in in-game challenges to earn sprays. Challenges like Excavation Annihilation, which rewards players for eliminating three enemies with a single use of Tectonic Shock, and Pitfall, achieved by knocking an enemy to their demise using Drill Dash, serve as substitutes for traditional achievements/trophies for Venture. The reasoning behind Blizzard's decision to halt the addition of achievements and trophies alongside new heroes remains unclear.

The absence of new achievements and trophies in Overwatch 2 extends beyond heroes to include new game modes. Notably, the Flashpoint mode lacked its own set of achievements/trophies, and it is likely to be the same for the upcoming Clash mode. While some fans may find solace in the in-game challenges provided, others will be disheartened by Blizzard's apparent discontinuation of new achievements and trophies in the hero shooter game.