Fans Await Mauga's Long-Awaited Red Shirt Skin in Overwatch 2

Despite years of anticipation, Overwatch 2 enthusiasts are still eagerly anticipating the arrival of Mauga's iconic red shirt outfit as a playable skin.
Fans Await Mauga's Long-Awaited Red Shirt Skin in Overwatch 2


  • Mauga's early concept art features a distinctive red shirt attire that fans are excited to see integrated into Overwatch 2 as an official skin option.
  • The red shirt skin could potentially be introduced for purchase with in-game credits or unveiled during the Summer Games event, aligning well with its thematic elements.
  • Fans advocate for more attention towards newer heroes like Mauga and Venture in Overwatch 2, emphasizing the need for enhanced skins to reflect their significance.

In the world of Overwatch 2, Mauga, the Samoan tank hero, may be a recent addition, but his presence has long been foreseen by fans. Despite his relatively limited cosmetic options in Overwatch 2 due to his recent arrival, enthusiasts are clamoring for Blizzard to incorporate some of his iconic early concepts into the game as unique skins.

The latest season of Overwatch 2 has ushered in notable transformations in battle pass rewards and mythic skin availability, accompanied by the intriguing Mirrorwatch event. This event has introduced a fresh array of skins that reimagine popular characters in altered states, exploring diverse allegiances and backgrounds.

While the current season of Overwatch 2 has brought a plethora of new skins, certain heroes, like Mauga, are still awaiting their moment in the cosmetic spotlight. As the most recent tank hero to join the roster in Season 8, Mauga stands out as a prime candidate for new skins inspired by his early concept art, particularly featuring his distinctive red shirt and sunglasses ensemble.

Overwatch 2's Latest Season Sparks Skin Controversy

Enthusiasts have observed a shift in the release of newer Overwatch 2 skins, noting a decrease in cosmetic offerings. The introduction of Venture, the latest damage hero in the game, exemplifies this trend, debuting without any legendary skins and breaking the tradition of new heroes receiving battle pass skins.

Mauga finds himself in a similar predicament, lacking significant attention in recent seasons. Despite being a contentious addition to the hero roster due to balancing issues, he remains a beloved character deserving of a more diverse array of skins to enrich his presence in Overwatch 2.