Unraveling the Overwatch 2 Console Cheating Controversy

Discover Blizzard's crackdown on cheaters in Overwatch 2 for consoles and the ensuing changes in the gaming experience.
Unraveling the Overwatch 2 Console Cheating Controversy


  • Blizzard is enforcing strict measures against unauthorized peripherals in Overwatch 2, specifically targeting players using mouse and keyboard adapters on consoles.
  • Players found ximming may face penalties ranging from temporary suspensions to permanent bans in Overwatch 2, signaling a zero-tolerance policy towards cheating.
  • To ensure fairness, Blizzard is contemplating the introduction of separate ranked queues for console players who legitimately opt for mouse and keyboard setups in Overwatch 2.

Blizzard recently made a significant move to combat unfair advantages in Overwatch 2 for console gamers, cracking down on players utilizing unauthorized peripherals. The focus is primarily on those using mouse and keyboard adapters to gain an edge in Overwatch 2.

While this development appears positive for console players, it signifies a notable shift in enforcement strategies. Previously, Blizzard acknowledged the use of unapproved peripherals as cheating but took minimal action. Now, aligning with Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct, strict penalties are being imposed on offenders.

Blizzard's Swift Response Against Unauthorized Peripherals

The Long-standing Issue of Ximming in Overwatch

The debate surrounding ximming, the covert use of mouse and keyboard on consoles, has persisted for years. In 2017, Jeff Kaplan, the former game director, expressed the Overwatch team's disapproval of these peripherals. Blizzard has been monitoring ximming devices and enhancing detection systems, revealing a higher prevalence among top-ranked players compared to those in lower tiers.

Despite Overwatch 2 being cross-platform, console and PC experiences vary significantly. While console players benefit from built-in aim assist, those using unauthorized peripherals can exploit this feature, gaining an unfair advantage over genuine controller users.

Stringent Penalties for Ximming Offenders in Overwatch 2

Blizzard has initiated penalties against ximmers, with consequences escalating from temporary Competitive play suspensions to permanent account bans. The crackdown is expected to intensify with the upcoming Season 11 release.

Recognizing legitimate mouse and keyboard users on consoles, Blizzard is contemplating segregated ranked queues to ensure fair matchups. This potential update aims to match similar setups and separate console players from PC users, though specifics and timelines remain undecided.