7 Overlooked Square Enix Heroes

Exploring the lesser-known protagonists who deserve more recognition for their well-crafted stories.
7 Overlooked Square Enix Heroes


  • Discovering hidden gems among Square Enix's character roster.
  • Unveiling the depth and complexity of underrated protagonists.
  • Revisiting compelling narratives often overshadowed by more popular figures.

Square Enix has a knack for crafting intricate and captivating characters in their narratives. However, not all protagonists receive the same level of acclaim as iconic figures like Cloud and Sora. Whether due to being outshined by other characters or not making a strong initial impact, these underrated heroes often offer rich storylines that contribute significantly to the overall narrative.

Given Square Enix's extensive game development history, it's inevitable that some protagonists would be overlooked despite their compelling roles. It's time to shed light on these unsung heroes and appreciate the depth they bring to their respective stories.

7 Noctis Lucis Caelum

Despite Standing in the Shadow of His Comrades, Noctis Emerges as a Compelling Character with Significant Development

Noctis from Final Fantasy 15 often gets overlooked due to the mixed reception of the game and the charismatic nature of his companions. However, his journey from a carefree prince to a responsible king, marked by personal loss and growth, showcases his complexity and depth.

6 Jim Corbijn

An Underrated Badass in a Forgettable Setting, Jim Shines as a Remarkable Protagonist

Jim Corbijn from MindJack stands out in an otherwise criticized game, portraying a resilient ex-soldier with a compelling backstory. His immediate prowess and combat skills set him apart from traditional character progressions.

5 Vincent Valentine

Overcoming the Shadow of Popularity, Vincent's Unique Story Deserves Recognition

Vincent's role in Dirge of Cerberus often pales in comparison to Cloud and Zack's fame, yet his intricate connections and emotional journey make him a standout character with a distinct fighting style.

4 Lightning

Lightning's Evolution in Final Fantasy 13 Defies Comparison, Showcasing a Unique Heroine

Initially labeled as a female Cloud, Lightning's journey in Final Fantasy 13 unveils a distinct character arc filled with growth, relationships, and a strong sense of duty, setting her apart as a multifaceted protagonist.

3 Rush Sykes

Unveiling the Impactful Journey of Rush Sykes in The Last Remnant

Rush's narrative in The Last Remnant showcases a young man's transformation into a pivotal figure amidst intricate world-building. His emotional depth and combat prowess make him a standout yet underappreciated hero.

2 Roxas

Exploring the Complexity of Roxas Beyond His Connection to Sora in Kingdom Hearts 2

Roxas's initial role in Kingdom Hearts 2 may be overshadowed by Sora, but his personal story and relationships offer a deeper insight into his character, emphasizing the importance of bonds and friendships in the narrative.

1 Tidus

Reevaluating Tidus's Impact in Final Fantasy 10 Beyond Initial Impressions

Despite initial perceptions, Tidus's growth and pivotal role in challenging traditions and fostering change in Final Fantasy 10 deserve recognition. His journey from annoyance to a catalyst for transformation underscores his significance in the narrative.