Unraveling The Unique Beatles Reference in The Outer Worlds

Discover a hidden gem paying tribute to The Beatles in The Outer Worlds game.
Unraveling The Unique Beatles Reference in The Outer Worlds


  • Explore the intriguing Easter egg tied to a Beatles song in The Outer Worlds universe.
  • Delve into the darker undertones behind Maxwell's Silver Hammer reference in the game.
  • Appreciate Obsidian's attention to detail and clever world-building through subtle nods like this one.

The Outer Worlds introduced players to a captivating space adventure crafted by Obsidian in 2019. Like any top-tier open-world RPG, the game is brimming with delightful Easter eggs, and among them lies a hidden gem paying homage to a legendary song by The Beatles.

Within The Outer Worlds, surprises lurk in unexpected corners, and one of its most intriguing secrets involves a unique variant of the Impact Hammer. While the Impact Hammer is a common melee weapon in the game, one special version named Maxwell holds a fascinating backstory.

Unveiling The Beatles Connection

Initially appearing as a whimsical detail, the naming of Maxwell holds deeper significance. The moniker Maxwell is a direct reference to The Beatles' iconic track,