Revisiting Outcast: A New Beginning

Exploring the highs and lows of Outcast: A New Beginning, a sci-fi open-world game that offers nostalgia with a mix of shortcomings.
Revisiting Outcast: A New Beginning


  • Engage in a nostalgic open-world experience with Outcast: A New Beginning
  • Experience a mix of fun gameplay mechanics and noticeable flaws
  • Discover the unique progression system and explore the alien planet of Adelpha

Outcast, a sci-fi open-world game, made waves in 1999 with its stunning landscapes and captivating gameplay. Fast forward 20 years, Outcast: A New Beginning serves as a sequel that brings back the essence of the original game.

Featuring breathtaking landscapes and engaging mechanics, Outcast: A New Beginning offers a nostalgic gameplay experience. However, the game's numerous shortcomings may deter some players from fully enjoying it, resulting in a mixed experience overall.

The highlight of Outcast: A New Beginning lies in its simple yet immersive gameplay loop. Players assume the role of Cutter Slade, tasked with defending the alien planet of Adelpha from invaders. To succeed, players must assist the planet's inhabitants and fend off relentless enemies, promising hours of action-packed entertainment.

As players progress through Adelpha, combat plays a significant role in liberating the planet. From battling robots to tackling alien creatures, players engage in explosive encounters that resonate with the open-world gaming experience. While the destructible environment may not rival titles like Just Cause, Outcast: A New Beginning's gameplay loop sets it apart from other modern open-world games.

Exploration and traversal are key components of Outcast: A New Beginning, with Cutter Slade equipped with a jetpack for enhanced mobility. The game features various side activities such as parkour challenges and base destruction, offering incentives for players to continue exploring the world and earn valuable upgrades.

Progression in Outcast: A New Beginning involves discovering weapon modules that can significantly enhance gameplay. These upgradable modules, found in different locations across the game world, allow players to customize their weapons and unlock new abilities, adding depth to the combat experience.

While the weapon modules provide an element of customization, the limited arsenal in Outcast: A New Beginning may restrict combat variety. Players are equipped with two guns, a shield, and a melee attack, relying on the weapon modules to diversify their combat tactics.

Players can unlock special Talan Powers by gaining favor with villages, granting them unique abilities like Anti-Gravity and bombing raids. These powers, inspired by each village's narrative, offer fun ways to engage with the game world and compensate for the game's limited weapon selection.

Despite its strengths, Outcast: A New Beginning faces challenges with enemy AI behavior and lackluster boss fights. The game's narrative, filled with cliches and fetch quests, fails to captivate players seeking a compelling story-driven experience.

Technical issues like lag spikes and AI glitches occasionally hinder the gameplay experience, impacting the overall immersion. Despite these drawbacks, Outcast: A New Beginning appeals to players looking for a nostalgic sci-fi adventure reminiscent of classic open-world games.

Outcast: A New Beginning offers a blend of nostalgia and modern gameplay elements, making it a worthwhile experience for fans of the original title. While it may not be flawless, the game's exploration, combat mechanics, and progression system contribute to an enjoyable sci-fi journey. Players can delve into the alien world of Adelpha when Outcast: A New Beginning launches on March 15, 2024, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.