Explore 6 Open-World Games Featuring Realistic Environmental Challenges

Discover the surprising environmental hazards in these exceptional open-world games.
Explore 6 Open-World Games Featuring Realistic Environmental Challenges


  • In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, rain can cause Link to lose his grip when climbing, adding an element of unpredictability and frustration.
  • Grand Theft Auto 5 features cars that pose a significant danger to the player, often running them over without hesitation, emphasizing the game's disregard for human life.
  • Far Cry 3 introduces deadly wildlife that can ruin stealth and attack the protagonist, highlighting the dangers of venturing alone in exotic environments.

Open-world games vary widely, offering diverse experiences where the environment presents different levels of danger. The following games, while not all strictly realistic open-world experiences, feature unexpected and realistic hazards that add depth and challenge to gameplay.

These hazards serve as a reminder to players that even the most ordinary elements can pose a threat to the player character. Understanding these dangers in advance can prevent excessive frustration, especially when encountering unique and unexpected hazards.

1 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Unpredictable Effects of Rain and Weather

Breath of the Wild offers deep environmental interaction, with weather changes making traversal challenging. The frustration peaks when rain causes Link to lose his grip during climbing, adding an unpredictable and challenging dimension to the game.

2 Grand Theft Auto 5

Perilous Cars and Traffic

In Grand Theft Auto 5, cars present a significant danger, often running over the protagonist without hesitation. This highlights the game's disregard for human life, serving as a stark reminder to always look both ways before crossing the street.

3 Far Cry 3

Menacing Wildlife

Far Cry 3 introduces deadly wildlife that can ruin stealth and attack the protagonist, underscoring the perils of navigating exotic environments alone.

4 Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Treacherous Seas

Sailing the high seas in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag presents various dangers, including sea combat during hurricanes and rogue waves that can damage the vessel.

5 Red Dead Redemption 2

Threat of Wild Animals

Red Dead Redemption 2 presents the danger of encountering bears and mountain lions, adding a realistic and unexpected threat to the game.

6 Death Stranding

Challenges of Mountainous Terrain

In Death Stranding, the hazardous natural landscapes pose a challenge to players, with steep mountains posing the risk of tumbling and scattering deliveries. This adds a unique aspect to the gameplay, making simple tasks more compelling.