The Top First Mates in One Piece: Legendary Companions

Discover the remarkable legacy of these right-hand men that have become iconic figures in the One Piece series.
The Top First Mates in One Piece: Legendary Companions


  • Right-hand men in One Piece are pivotal characters, known for their unwavering support and defense of their captains and crewmates.
  • Characters like Kozuki Oden and Jimbei have earned admiration for their strength, loyalty, and standout performances within their respective pirate crews.
  • The bond between a captain and their first mate is a cornerstone of trust and teamwork, showcasing the essence of camaraderie in the world of One Piece.

In One Piece, the role of the first mate is crucial for any successful pirate crew or warship. These trusted companions stand beside their leaders, offering unwavering support and strength when needed, making them integral to the crew's dynamics.

Throughout the series, fans have witnessed the extraordinary feats of these legendary first mates, who have time and again proven their mettle by defending their comrades in times of adversity. Here are some of the most iconic and revered first mates in the world of One Piece.

5 Kozuki Oden

Whitebeard's Trusted Ally

Kozuki Oden, a samurai from Wano, became an essential member of the Whitebeard Pirates due to his unparalleled strength and dedication. Despite his relatively short time with the crew, Oden's prowess and valiant acts quickly earned him the respect of his fellow pirates. His legacy as Whitebeard's right-hand man continues to inspire awe and admiration among both allies and rivals.

4 Bogard

Garp's Loyal Companion

Bogard, the trusted confidant of Monkey D. Garp, remains a mysterious yet formidable figure within the Marines. His unwavering loyalty to Garp hints at a deep bond forged through countless battles and shared experiences. As a skilled swordsman, Bogard's potential in combat is a source of intrigue, leaving many to wonder about the extent of his abilities and the pivotal role he may play in future conflicts.

3 Jimbei

Fisher Tiger's Stalwart Ally

Jimbei, once the right-hand man of Fisher Tiger, embodies steadfastness and reliability as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. His tenure with the Sun Pirates under Fisher Tiger's leadership showcased his unwavering resolve and combat prowess, earning him the trust and respect of his crewmates. Jimbei's calm demeanor belies his formidable fighting skills, making him a force to be reckoned with in any battle.


2 Whitebeard

Rocks' Indomitable Partner

Whitebeard's tenure as Rocks D. Xebec's right-hand man highlighted his unique blend of strength and integrity, setting him apart from conventional subordinates. Despite serving under a tyrannical leader like Rocks, Whitebeard's principled nature and dissenting voice marked him as a standout figure within the crew. His eventual transition to a revered captain himself underscored his leadership potential and unwavering commitment to his ideals.

1 Silvers Rayleigh

Roger's Unwavering Companion

Silvers Rayleigh's legendary status as Gol D. Roger's trusted first mate cements his place as a formidable and revered figure in pirate lore. His pivotal role in the Roger Pirates' journey to uncover Laugh Tale and the fabled One Piece showcased his unmatched combat prowess and unwavering loyalty to his captain. Even after the disbandment of the crew, Rayleigh's reputation as a seasoned fighter and mentor continues to echo through the seas, solidifying his legacy as a living legend in the world of One Piece.