Unveiling the Virtuous Characters of One Piece

Discover the individuals in One Piece who uphold the law while striving to do good in a world filled with pirates and marines.
Unveiling the Virtuous Characters of One Piece


  • Not all characters in One Piece fit the typical 'lawful good' mold seen in shonen anime.
  • These characters may clash with the main crew but are driven by noble intentions.
  • Their allegiance to rules and traditions doesn't make them inherently villainous.

In the realm of shonen anime, main characters often exemplify law-abiding behavior to inspire positive change. However, One Piece takes a unique approach, portraying Luffy and his crew as outlaws challenging the World Government's ban on piracy. Amidst this dynamic, there are marines who, while upholding the law, harbor sinister motives they aim to fulfill through power and influence.

Within this intricate balance, certain individuals adhere to the World Government's regulations but are driven by a desire to do good, fitting the 'Lawful Good' archetype. These characters, though occasionally obstructing the Straw Hats due to their allegiance, are not inherently malevolent, despite occasionally assuming antagonist roles.

5 Koby

The Ascension of Koby Through Marine Ranks Reflects His Unyielding Allegiance

Initially portrayed as a timid errand runner, Koby's transformation into a dedicated Marine unfolds as he trains under his mentor. His loyalty is tested during the Marineford battle, where he confronts Luffy to uphold his allegiance, even in the face of danger from his own comrades. This steadfast loyalty propels Koby into the elite SWORD unit, where he undertakes perilous missions, including a failed attempt to apprehend the formidable Boa Hancock.

4 Smoker

Smoker's Pursuit of Pirates Balances Justice With Compassion

Unlike his ruthless peers, Smoker stands out for his empathy, as demonstrated in an act of kindness towards a child. Despite his strict adherence to law, he maintains a sense of right and wrong, striving to capture pirates to uphold peace and justice. While Luffy's interventions challenge Smoker's perceptions, he remains resolute in his duty to pursue pirates, balancing duty with evolving perspectives.

3 Fujitora

Fujitora's Commitment to Justice Transcends Conventional Boundaries

Fujitora straddles the line between lawful and chaotic good, challenging authority while advocating for positive change within the legal framework. Leading the charge to dismantle the Shichibukai system, he emphasizes accountability and consequences for those who misuse power. Despite his occasional sympathy towards pirates like the Straw Hats, Fujitora upholds his duty as an Admiral, demonstrating the complexities of his character.

2 Garp

Garp's Integrity and Service Define His Marine Legacy

Renowned for his unwavering loyalty to the Marines, Garp's adherence to orders and discipline sets him apart. Despite personal conflicts, such as his disdain for the Celestial Dragons, Garp's dedication to his role as a Marine remains steadfast. His pivotal role in pivotal events earns him respect among younger marines, reinforcing the importance of upholding principles even in the face of internal strife.

1 Nefertari Cobra

Cobra's Tragic Fate Highlights the Perils of Blind Obedience

As the ruler of Alabasta, Cobra's loyalty to the World Government ultimately leads to his demise, showcasing the dangers of unchecked allegiance. Despite aiding the Straw Hats, Cobra's unfaltering loyalty and involvement in governmental affairs seal his tragic fate at the hands of Imu. His story serves as a cautionary tale, questioning blind obedience and shedding light on the complexities of moral choices.