The Impending Move of Fleet Admiral Akainu in One Piece

Exploring the anticipation surrounding Fleet Admiral Akainu's next actions amidst the chaos in the One Piece world.
The Impending Move of Fleet Admiral Akainu in One Piece


  • Egghead Island's turmoil threatens Marine authority, prompting Akainu to consider restoring balance and order.
  • Akainu's relentless pursuit of absolute justice against pirates might lead to a shift towards more aggressive tactics.
  • Recent setbacks and betrayals within the Marines could prompt Akainu to make a strategic move to reaffirm Marine dominance.

Fleet Admiral Akainu in One Piece is a formidable figure within the Marines, known for his ruthless demeanor and the fearsome power of his Magu Magu no Mi devil fruit. Fans have been eagerly awaiting his next move following his victory over Aokiji.

The recent upheaval on Egghead Island and other significant events have intensified speculation about when Akainu will take action. The precarious balance of power in the One Piece world could potentially provoke Akainu to intervene swiftly.

The Turmoil on Egghead Island

Challenging Marine Authority Directly

The recent events on Egghead Island and the interference of the Straw Hats with the World Government's plans against Dr. Vegapunk have plunged the Grand Line into chaos. As a government-linked island, Egghead poses a direct challenge to Marine supremacy.

Akainu's position as Fleet Admiral has restrained him from engaging directly in battles against pirates, unlike his actions in Marineford. His deep-seated animosity towards piracy and the rising influence of other factions over the Marines could drive him to decisively confront any threats to the government. Additionally, Akainu's frustration with the ongoing events at sea and his growing impatience with desk duties may push him towards a more aggressive stance. While Akainu desires a resounding victory over pirates, he may have to bide his time for a strategic opportunity that justifies a forceful response.

Akainu's Unwavering Commitment to Absolute Justice

Embracing a Philosophy of Justice

Fleet Admiral Akainu staunchly upholds the doctrine of absolute justice, prioritizing order maintenance and the eradication of piracy above all else. His beliefs are rigidly black-and-white, viewing piracy as an existential threat to justice itself. Despite the questionable actions of the World Government, Akainu sees the Marines as the epitome of justice, with pirates embodying the evil that must be eradicated.

Akainu operates under the belief that the ends justify the means, advocating for ruthless measures to ensure stability and order. His unwavering dedication to justice, even through morally dubious methods, is unwavering. His ruthless conduct during the Marineford conflict, where he relentlessly pursued Luffy despite heavy Marine casualties, underscores his willingness to sacrifice for his ideals. Despite Ace's execution, Akainu continues his pursuit of Luffy, viewing him as a persistent threat, regardless of the Marine lives lost in his pursuit of justice.

As the events on Egghead demand the attention of the Five Elders while Akainu remains stationed, he may perceive his current role as a hindrance and decide to take action. The audacious actions of the Straw Hats and Blackbeard's infiltration on Egghead blatantly challenge the authority of the World Government. Akainu, a steadfast advocate of order, is unlikely to passively observe if the Straw Hats elude Marine and Elder capture on Egghead.

Luffy's growth post-Marineford and his narrow escape from Akainu in the war provide further motivation for the Fleet Admiral to eliminate him from the seas. The Straw Hats' open defiance of Marine authority could be the tipping point that drives Akainu to launch a decisive offensive. Additionally, the rising influence of the Revolutionary Army under Monkey D. Dragon, challenging the legitimacy of the World Government, may draw Akainu into a dual-front conflict with pirates and revolutionaries, necessitating a decisive move to preserve order, even at the expense of defying higher authorities.

Restoring Marine Prestige Through Strategic Action

Addressing Kizaru's Failure at Egghead and Aokiji's Betrayal

Aokiji's departure from the Marines undoubtedly shook the organization, while news of Kizaru's misstep on Egghead will be a significant blow to Marine prestige. These events are likely to compel Fleet Admiral Akainu to act decisively, reaffirming dominance and order within the ranks. Kizaru's failure in executing the Egghead mission will be deemed unacceptable and indicative of a setback.

The actions of Aokiji and Kizaru have created a volatile environment necessitating Akainu's intervention, especially as Marine leadership currently appears vulnerable. Akainu must demonstrate to Marine personnel that the leadership remains strong, despite the stumbles of two prominent admirals. The conduct of both former and current admirals – Aokiji and Kizaru – could embolden pirates as they witness Marine struggles. Consequently, Akainu may prioritize a proactive move to reassure the troops and assert that the Marines can address any threats, be it from pirates or rogue former Admirals.

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