Unveiling the Mysteries of One Piece's Final Saga

Exploring the unanswered questions in the epic One Piece Final Saga
Unveiling the Mysteries of One Piece's Final Saga


  • The Final Saga of One Piece holds the key to unveiling long-held secrets like the Void Century and the identities of Imu and Nefertari Lily.
  • Fans eagerly anticipate revelations about ancient mysteries such as the disappearance of Lunarians and Buccaneers, and the origins of Devil Fruits.
  • The Final Saga is poised to finally disclose the truth behind the grand treasure left by Joy Boy on the enigmatic Final Island, known as the One Piece.

One Piece is embarking on its much-anticipated Final Saga, promising an exhilarating conclusion to the epic tale. The commencement of the Final Saga with the Egghead Island arc has already set a high standard, leaving fans eager for more thrilling developments.

The Final Saga is set to unravel the long-guarded secrets meticulously crafted by Oda over the years, generating immense excitement among fans. Among the myriad perplexing questions posed by enthusiasts, several stand out as the most eagerly awaited.

10 Unraveling the Enigma of the Void Century

The Veiled History of the Void Century in One Piece

The enigmatic Void Century, spanning from 800 to 900 years ago in the world of One Piece, remains shrouded in mystery. The establishment of the World Government marked the culmination of this obscure era, with all historical records erased and any inquiries into it prohibited.

9 Unmasking the Identity of Nerona Imu

Decoding the Enigmatic Figure on the Empty Throne

The elusive identity of Imu, a member of the Founding 20 and associated with the Nerona Family, poses a significant conundrum for fans. Delving into Imu's origins, rise to power during the Void Century, and overall significance remains a burning question eagerly anticipated to be addressed in the Final Saga.

8 Uncovering the Fate of Nefertari Lily

The Mysterious Demise of the Arabasta Queen

Nefertari Lily, a member of the Founding 20, diverged from her counterparts by aiding the people of Arabasta instead of relocating to Marijoa. Her involvement in disseminating Poneglyphs and subsequent disappearance en route to Arabasta has left lingering questions regarding her fate and demise.