Unbreakable Defense: Top 6 One Piece Characters with the Strongest Guard

Discover the invincible defenses of these One Piece characters that make them nearly impervious to attacks.
Unbreakable Defense: Top 6 One Piece Characters with the Strongest Guard


  • In One Piece, defensive skills are as crucial as offensive abilities, providing characters with a significant advantage in battles.
  • Characters like Charlotte Cracker, Monkey D. Luffy, and Sanji showcase exceptional defensive prowess that complements their overall strength.
  • From Bartolomeo's impenetrable barriers to Kaido's Azure Dragon skin, these characters possess defenses that pose a formidable challenge for any opponent.

When evaluating the strength of a character in One Piece, their defensive capabilities play a vital role alongside their offensive prowess. While powerful attacks are essential for victory, a solid defense is equally indispensable. Throughout the One Piece series, instances abound where characters with exceptional defensive abilities thwart devastating attacks effortlessly.

Every formidable fighter in One Piece hones both their offensive and defensive skills, albeit with varying levels of mastery. Some characters stand out for their exceptional defense, granting them a significant advantage over their adversaries.

6 Charlotte Cracker

Devil Fruit: Bisu Bisu no Mi

As a former Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Cracker was tasked with intercepting Luffy. His formidable Bisu Bisu no Mi enabled him to craft biscuit soldiers with exceptional strength, capable of withstanding even Luffy's Gear 4th attacks. Only Nami's intervention, softening the biscuits, allowed Luffy to prevail.

5 Monkey D. Luffy

Devil Fruit: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika

As the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy embarked on his pirate journey at a young age. Over time, he mastered his Devil Fruit powers, developing various Gears that enhance his physical attributes and enable him to withstand potent enemy attacks.

4 Sanji

Devil Fruit: None

Formerly a prince of the Germa Kingdom, Sanji's latent genetic enhancements manifested during his battle with Queen in Wano Country. These enhancements not only augmented his strength but also bolstered his defense, allowing him to withstand severe injuries and attacks effortlessly.

3 Kaido

Devil Fruit: Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

The formidable villain of the Wano Country arc, Kaido, possessed insurmountable strength and defense. His Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Devil Fruit endowed him with an Azure Dragon form, granting impenetrable scaly skin that repelled conventional attacks, necessitating advanced combat techniques to defeat him.

2 Bartolomeo

Devil Fruit: Bari Bari no Mi

Despite his outwardly playful demeanor, Bartolomeo, a devoted fan of the Straw Hat Pirates, wields formidable defensive capabilities courtesy of his Bari Bari no Mi. This Paramecia-type Devil Fruit allows him to create impregnable barriers capable of withstanding even the most powerful attacks, establishing him as a formidable force to reckon with.

1 Topman Warcury

Devil Fruit: Fengxi Yokai

As the Godhead of Justice, St. Topman Warcury commands immense authority within the World Government and possesses unparalleled strength. His ability to transform into Fengxi, a mythical creature, significantly enhances his defenses, rendering him impervious to attacks, even from formidable opponents like Luffy armed with powerful combat techniques.