Strange Behavior of Skyrim Draugr Uncovered

Exploring a peculiar glitch where a Restless Draugr in Skyrim displays an unusual reaction in a burial site.
Strange Behavior of Skyrim Draugr Uncovered


  • A peculiar glitch shows a Skyrim player encountering a hovering and dancing Draugr.
  • The abnormal behavior of the Restless Draugr in a crypt may be due to an unresolved issue.
  • Skyrim's variety of Draugr types, ranging from Archers to Deathlords, contribute to the game's dynamic challenges.

A gamer has captured a moment where they stumble upon a Skyrim Draugr behaving oddly, floating in midair. Since the release of Skyrim, the community has documented numerous unusual incidents, but this one involving a Draugr stands out as particularly bizarre.

Draugr are a common adversary in Skyrim, often first encountered in Bleak Falls Barrow. Players receive the quest to explore this location in Whiterun after completing the Helgen Keep tutorial. Their task is to retrieve a Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow, though they can also undertake another quest involving the Golden Dragon Claw found within the dungeon. The catacombs are teeming with Draugr, undead Nordic fighters awakened by the player's presence, one of which has been observed reacting strangely.

Reddit user Thedarksavant recently posted a video from Skyrim showcasing an erratic Draugr in a burial site. Given the player's early-game equipment, this may occur in Bleak Falls Barrow or a similar low-level area. The footage shows the player's Khajiit character and the Draugr facing each other before the Draugr, armed with an ax, starts floating a few feet above the ground in a corner, swaying left and right in a manner resembling a dance. Despite the undead creature's ability to move in place, it seems incapable of engaging the player offensively.

What Causes This Draugr to Be Trapped in Such a State?

This peculiar behavior could be attributed to an unresolved glitch, a common occurrence in the world of Skyrim. The term 'Restless Draugr' aptly describes this perpetual motion displayed by the enemy. In addition to this type, Skyrim features various Draugr categories, including Archers, Warriors wielding one or two-handed weapons, Warlocks, Overlords, Niche, Wight, and the Dawnguard's formidable Hulking Draugr. Furthermore, Draugr Deathlords and Scourge Lords pose a greater threat, often utilizing Dragonborn shouts and inflicting substantial damage. Introducing a magical ability animation might potentially disrupt the glitch that confines this Draugr to its corner.

With Skyrim receiving updates this year, it is possible that future patches will address such glitches. Given the numerous encounters with Draugr throughout gameplay, encountering an aberrant one affected by a glitch is not entirely surprising. Even named NPCs exhibit unconventional responses to players, underscoring the widespread nature of this issue beyond just hostile adversaries.