Fallout Shelter Strategy: Acquiring Bottle & Cappy

Learn how to secure Bottle and Cappy in Fallout Shelter to enhance your Vault's performance and rewards.
Fallout Shelter Strategy: Acquiring Bottle & Cappy


  • Unlocking Bottle & Cappy boosts Vault happiness and provides valuable rewards.
  • Completing 'Nabbed From Nuka-World' quests is key to obtaining Bottle & Cappy.
  • Interact with Bottle & Cappy to maximize your Caps and bonuses.

In Fallout Shelter, diversify your resource collection methods by interacting with various in-game elements like Bottle and Cappy, in addition to quests and characters.

Discover the strategy behind acquiring Bottle and Cappy in Fallout Shelter to unlock exclusive bonuses and rewards within your Vault.

How to Acquire Bottle & Cappy in Fallout Shelter

Once you have Bottle and Cappy in your roster, they will make periodic appearances around your Vault, enhancing Dweller happiness and offering Caps and occasional Nuka-Cola Quantum.

To obtain Bottle and Cappy, embark on the questline 'Nabbed From Nuka-World' after reaching a population of 18 Dwellers in your Vault and constructing the Overseers Office for 1000 Caps.

Complete the quest 'A Refreshing Rescue' within the 'Nabbed From Nuka World' questline by sending out Dwellers of level 16 or higher armed with weapons dealing 6 or more damage to battle Raiders and Radroaches, culminating in meeting Bottle and Cappy.

Upon successful completion, you will be rewarded with:

  • Bottle & Cappy
  • Theme Recipe Fragment x2
  • Caps x2,911
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum x2

After their arrival, Bottle and Cappy will periodically grace your Vault, boosting Dweller happiness temporarily. Interact with them while they dance to obtain extra Caps and possibly Nuka-Cola Quantum, offering a consistent source of bonuses compared to other in-game elements like the Mysterious Stranger.