Comparing No Rest For The Wicked to Diablo 4: A Deep Dive into ARPGs

Exploring the unique features of Moon Studios' No Rest for the Wicked that set it apart from traditional ARPGs like Diablo 4.
Comparing No Rest For The Wicked to Diablo 4: A Deep Dive into ARPGs


  • No Rest for the Wicked introduces a fresh ARPG experience with a Soulslike twist, offering extensive character customization options.
  • Combat in the game is strategic and deliberate, focusing on tactics like observation, parrying, and dodging over overwhelming the player with hordes of enemies.
  • The game's intricate crafting system is a core gameplay element, requiring players to scavenge for resources to perform basic functions such as healing, distinguishing it from other ARPGs.

Moon Studios, known for their acclaimed Metroidvania titles, ventures into the realm of ARPGs with their latest game, No Rest for the Wicked. Since its early access launch on Steam, the game has garnered significant attention and feedback, shaping its evolution towards the full release. While drawing comparisons to Diablo 4, No Rest for the Wicked establishes itself as a unique ARPG offering.

While both Diablo 4 and No Rest for the Wicked share similarities in being isometric ARPGs with loot systems, the latter distinguishes itself with its incorporation of Soulslike elements and a focus on survival mechanics and crafting. Reflecting Moon Studios' signature style seen in the Ori series, No Rest for the Wicked presents a fresh take on the classic ARPG genre.

A New Approach to Character Progression Sets No Rest for the Wicked Apart

In contrast to Diablo 4, No Rest for the Wicked offers players complete freedom in character development by eschewing predefined classes. Players have the liberty to allocate stat points to various attributes, shaping their character's playstyle and gear scaling. This departure from conventional class systems allows for diverse character builds and experimentation, a departure from standard ARPG conventions.

The combat dynamics in No Rest for the Wicked differ significantly from the fast-paced action of Diablo, emphasizing strategic play over sheer intensity. Encounters in the game prioritize tactical engagement, requiring players to observe enemy patterns, utilize parrying, and master dodging techniques.

Crafting and Resource Management Redefine Gameplay in No Rest for the Wicked

An innovative aspect of No Rest for the Wicked lies in its crafting and resource systems, where scavenging for materials becomes integral to survival. Unlike Diablo 4, where resources primarily fuel endgame pursuits, No Rest for the Wicked intertwines crafting with core gameplay mechanics. Even basic functions like healing are intertwined with resource collection, offering a unique gameplay experience within the ARPG landscape.

Early indications suggest that No Rest for the Wicked is poised to carve its niche in the ARPG genre, promising a distinctive gameplay experience for enthusiasts seeking a fresh take on the genre.