No Rest For The Wicked: Saving Your Progress

Master the art of saving and exiting in No Rest For The Wicked to ensure your hard-earned victories are preserved.
No Rest For The Wicked: Saving Your Progress


  • Learn how to properly save your progress in the challenging game No Rest For The Wicked.
  • Discover the essential steps to exit the game safely without losing any progress.
  • Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate through saving and exiting effectively in No Rest For The Wicked.

Embark on a thrilling journey with Moon Studios' latest creation, No Rest For The Wicked, an action RPG that plunges players into the role of a Cerim, a holy warrior fighting a malevolent Pestilence. This game is a test of skill and strategy, where defeating deformed enemies is just the beginning of your epic quest.

As you dive into the challenges of No Rest For The Wicked, mastering weight management, stamina usage, and combat timing is crucial for success. To safeguard your progress, understanding how to save and exit the game properly is essential to ensure your efforts are not lost.

Saving Your Progress in No Rest For The Wicked

In No Rest For The Wicked, staying vigilant about upgrading your gear and saving your progress regularly is key. Unlike games with robust auto-save features, this game requires manual intervention to preserve your victories. To save your progress effectively, locate and interact with a Cerim Whisper, glowing orbs that beckon you with tendrils of blue light.

Exiting No Rest For The Wicked

Properly exiting No Rest For The Wicked is as crucial as mastering your in-game skills. For PC players, the exit process might seem elusive initially. To safely exit the game, press the 'Tab' key (Options for PS, Pause for Xbox), navigate to the door symbol, and confirm your choice to quit. This ensures that your progress is securely saved, guarding against any potential data loss.