No Rest For The Wicked: Boosting Your Carrying Ability

Enhancing your carrying capacity is crucial for smoother adventures in No Rest For The Wicked. Discover how you can achieve this.
No Rest For The Wicked: Boosting Your Carrying Ability


  • Level up Equip Load stats to carry more items efficiently.
  • Expand your inventory by defeating Warrick the Torn and obtaining Plague Ichor.
  • Prioritize Gear and Resource inventory upgrades for optimal item management.

When delving into survival games like No Rest For The Wicked, the weight system adds a layer of realism. Just as in real life, your character's mobility is hindered by heavy gear and excessive weaponry, necessitating strategic planning before embarking on quests.

The burden of a heavy load impacts your Weight Class, affecting movement speed and agility in No Rest For The Wicked. Unless you aim for a heavier class, limited carrying capacity can impede your gameplay. Fortunately, there are methods to increase the items you can haul in the game.

Elevating Your Carrying Capacity

Boost your carrying ability by advancing the Equip Load stats. This metric signifies the maximum weight your character can bear for equipped items before facing encumbrance. Each point invested in Equip Load raises your carrying capacity by 10 points.

augmenting your Equip Load is ideal for donning medium armor without shifting your Weight Class to Normal or Heavy. Nevertheless, you must level up your character and accumulate sufficient attribute points to enhance your Equip Load stats.

Expanding Your Inventory Slots

If your inventory overflows in No Rest For The Wicked, you can increase storage to hoard more resources.

To unlock additional inventory slots, progress through the primary campaign and vanquish Warrick the Torn. Defeating this boss yields Plague Ichor.

Subsequently, journey to the city of Sacrament and deliver the Ichor to the Watcher at the Rookery. The Plague Ichor can be bartered for one of eight inventory expansions. These include:

  • Gear Inventory Slots
  • Item Inventory Slots
  • Resource Inventory Slots
  • Misc Inventory Slots
  • Ring Slots
  • Tool Slots
  • Mainhand Slots
  • Offhand Slots

Opting for Gear and Resource inventory slots initially is advised, as these item types are frequently gathered in No Rest For The Wicked. Choosing any of the options instantly adds slots to your inventory, facilitating increased item storage.