The Duality of Equipment Durability in No Rest for the Wicked

Exploring the pros and cons of the controversial equipment durability mechanic in Moon Studios' new ARPG, No Rest for the Wicked.
The Duality of Equipment Durability in No Rest for the Wicked


  • Equipment durability in No Rest for the Wicked poses challenges and adds pressure, affecting gameplay dynamics after each death.
  • The game's deliberate combat pace and stamina management necessitate strategic thinking, leading to frequent character deaths.
  • Balancing adjustments are crucial for the equipment degradation rate to harmonize with the overall gameplay experience.

Moon Studios' No Rest for the Wicked is currently gaining traction in early access as a highly anticipated ARPG of the year. The game generated significant excitement following its debut at The Game Awards 2023 and boasts a development team with a stellar track record, known for the acclaimed Ori series. With a commitment to continuous improvement, Moon Studios is actively addressing player feedback through regular updates to enhance the game in the upcoming months. One contentious aspect among players revolves around the implementation of an equipment durability system in No Rest for the Wicked.

Death is a common element in No Rest for the Wicked, integral to its core gameplay mechanics. Players encounter loot of various rarities typical of ARPGs, but each death incurs a penalty on equipped gear, causing gradual deterioration until the item is rendered unusable. While penalties for death are expected in games with Soulslike elements, the current implementation of No Rest for the Wicked's equipment durability system may require fine-tuning.

The Trade-Off of Equipment Durability in No Rest for the Wicked

Although not a traditional Soulslike game, No Rest for the Wicked offers a significantly higher level of challenge compared to typical ARPGs. Its combat demands a slower, more calculated approach, emphasizing the impact of each action and the need for strategic stamina management in every intense battle. While character death is frequent in the game, players do not suffer experience point losses akin to Soulsborne titles.

Instead, the primary consequence of death is equipment durability loss. This mechanic urges players to pay close attention to enemy patterns, master the parry system, and bear the cost of repairing gear at forges. While the frequent gear repairs might seem burdensome, players retain their progress towards enhancing their characters without losing any acquired strength or capabilities in combat.

Balancing Equipment Durability for No Rest for the Wicked's Future

Given the absence of alternative penalties for player death in No Rest for the Wicked, the equipment degradation system is likely to remain. However, to integrate this system effectively into the game's final release, adjustments and fine-tuning are necessary during the early access phase.

The rapid rate of equipment degradation has been a point of contention among players, with gear facing the risk of breaking after only a few deaths. To align the system with the overall game experience, a slower degradation curve for equipment is warranted. While players constantly acquire new gear in No Rest for the Wicked, the presence of an upgrade system for favored items crucial to character builds suggests that penalizing players for holding onto specific gear may be counterproductive.