No Man's Sky Ship Swap Anomaly

A peculiar bug in No Man's Sky leads to an unexpected ship exchange between players near the galactic core.
No Man's Sky Ship Swap Anomaly


  • An unusual bug in No Man's Sky causes players to involuntarily trade starships, generating curiosity within the player community.
  • The recent Orbital update in No Man's Sky introduces the feature to construct custom starships.
  • A mysterious ship exchange event in No Man's Sky triggers speculation about the glitch being more than a random occurrence.

In the vast universe of No Man's Sky, where trading starships is traditionally impossible, a fascinating incident has emerged, revealing that two players have inadvertently swapped ships due to a strange glitch. Fans of No Man's Sky have encountered various peculiar bugs in the past, with some even leveraging these flaws for 'glitch building' during base construction.

Despite ongoing updates and support for No Man's Sky that have rectified numerous bugs, reports have surfaced of players experiencing unexpected changes to their starships and freighters following the release of the Orbital update. This substantial update has brought new features like the ability to custom-build starships and enhanced services within revamped space stations. While the extent of these rumored issues remains uncertain, a recent encounter between two players has captured the community's attention.

Even among the unconventional occurrences in No Man's Sky's history of bugs, this particular anomaly stands out. Two players, known as HorseOutaNoWhere and DirtyLoneVagrant, sought help on Reddit after finding their starships replaced upon traversing the galactic center and landing on new planets. Surprisingly, these players had no prior connection and were seemingly playing solo, yet discovered their starships had been swapped after stumbling upon each other's posts.

The Unlikelihood of Chance in the No Man's Sky Ship Swap Glitch

While game glitches typically have identifiable triggers, unraveling the cause of this incident proves challenging. Some speculate it was a mere coincidence, suggesting both players' ships underwent random alterations upon reaching the galactic core, coincidentally resembling each other. However, the probability of such an event occurring is exceedingly low, considering the myriad ship part combinations possible in No Man's Sky.

Many players find this occurrence reminiscent of the peculiar encounters between Traveler iterations within the No Man's Sky universe. Such community-driven events are rare but may hint at potential reoccurrences in the future.