Top Non-First Party Third-Person Shooters Deserving Nintendo Switch Ports

Discover the standout third-person shooters from the past that should be brought to the Nintendo Switch for a new generation of players to enjoy.
Top Non-First Party Third-Person Shooters Deserving Nintendo Switch Ports


  • The Nintendo Switch boasts a solid selection of third-person shooter games, but expanding the options is always beneficial.
  • Wet, Binary Domain, and Spec Ops: The Line are standout candidates for a Switch port due to their unique gameplay mechanics, compelling narratives, and overall excellence.
  • Vanquish, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Max Payne 3, and Dead Space 2 are also prime contenders for a Switch port, offering exhilarating action, immersive storytelling, and unforgettable experiences.

The Nintendo Switch already features an array of exceptional third-person shooter games, including titles like Saints Row, Resident Evil, and Nintendo's own Splatoon. However, the addition of more games in this genre is always welcomed, catering to diverse player preferences and enhancing the platform's gaming offerings.

Here's a compilation of outstanding third-person shooters that warrant a port to the Switch, enabling both returning players to relive these experiences and new audiences to discover their brilliance.

8 Wet

Metascore: 69

Wet may not have revolutionized the genre, but it provided an exhilarating grindhouse experience filled with memorable combat sequences, stylish action, and a cinematic feel akin to a captivating B movie.

The game's standout feature is the slow-motion shooting mechanic, allowing players to execute acrobatic and sleek kills during dives, jumps, and other dynamic movements. With its straightforward yet action-packed gameplay, Wet is a deserving candidate for a Switch revival.

7 Binary Domain

Metascore: 74

Binary Domain flew under the radar upon its initial release but holds the potential for a wider audience, with its gripping Sci-Fi narrative set in 2080 Japan, where humanity faces a threat from hostile robotics, necessitating intervention from the protagonist, Dan Marshall, and the Rust Crew.

Notably, the game incorporates a relationship system, where players' actions and dialogue choices influence their squad members' responses in combat situations, adding depth to the gameplay. With its fast-paced storyline, refined gunplay, and diverse robotic adversaries, Binary Domain is more than worthy of a Switch port.

6 Spec Ops: The Line

Metascore: 76

Initially perceived as a conventional modern military shooter, Spec Ops: The Line surprised players with its compelling narrative, earning praise for its exceptional storytelling. The game's challenging combat scenarios and opportunities for strategic use of the environment further contribute to its allure, making it a must-experience title for both new and returning players.

For more amazing third-person shooters deserving of a Switch port, continue reading here.