7 Nintendo Heroes Who Sacrificed Everything

Exploring Nintendo games where heroic characters make the ultimate sacrifice.
7 Nintendo Heroes Who Sacrificed Everything


  • Discover Nintendo games where heroic characters meet tragic fates.
  • Pay tribute to brave heroes who faced untimely deaths in Nintendo games.
  • Reflect on the emotional impact of losing beloved characters in video games.

Heads up! Spoilers ahead for Nintendo games!

Nintendo is widely recognized for its collection of family-friendly games; however, some titles within its library showcase the heartbreaking demise of heroic figures. While death and sorrow are not typical themes in Nintendo's games, certain instances stand out for their emotional impact.

These are the stories of noble Nintendo characters who made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving a lasting impression on players. From Fire Emblem to Metroid, these games offer poignant narratives that resonate with gamers worldwide.

Warning: Spoilers incoming!

7 Earthbound 3 (Mother 3, Japan)


  • Platform: Game Boy Advance
  • Released: April 20, 2006
  • Developer: Brownie Brown, HAL Laboratory
  • Genre: Role-Playing Game

Hinawa's tragic fate in the EarthBound series remains one of the most heart-wrenching moments in Nintendo gaming history. Despite her early departure in the game, her presence lingers, guiding and supporting the main characters throughout their journey.

While Hinawa may have left the physical realm, her spirit endures, offering solace and wisdom to those in need. Even in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, her legacy lives on, underscoring her significance in the gaming world.

6 Donkey Kong Games

Wrinkly Kong

Wrinkly Kong, an unsung hero in the Donkey Kong universe, plays a pivotal role behind the scenes. Her wisdom and guidance aid players in their quests, even after her passing as revealed in Donkey Kong 64.

As the matriarch of Kong Kollege and the guardian of the Save Cave, Wrinkly Kong's legacy endures through her teachings and contributions to the Kong family's adventures. Her spirit lives on, a beacon of knowledge and support for those in need.

5 Paper Mario: The Origami King


Olivia, the loyal ally in Paper Mario: The Origami King, stands as a shining example of sacrifice and friendship. Her journey alongside Mario is marked by invaluable assistance and unwavering support.

Despite facing a bittersweet fate in the game's conclusion, Olivia's impact resonates deeply with players. Her character arc, filled with magical abilities and heroic deeds, leaves a lasting impression, sparking hope for her return in future installments.