8 Nintendo Franchises That Are Missing from the Nintendo Switch

Discover the beloved franchises that are yet to make a debut on the Nintendo Switch.
8 Nintendo Franchises That Are Missing from the Nintendo Switch


  • Despite the success of the Nintendo Switch, several classic franchises have not been reintroduced on the platform.
  • Fans have been eagerly awaiting sequels or remasters of franchises such as EarthBound, Golden Sun, Kid Icarus, and more.
  • The absence of these beloved franchises on the Switch has left enthusiasts hopeful for their revival in the future.

The Nintendo Switch has been a hit since its launch in 2017. With titles like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and its unique hybrid concept, the console gained immense popularity. Despite Nintendo's continuous support and a plethora of games, several classic franchises have yet to make a return on the platform. Let's explore these long-forgotten series that have not received new installments on the Nintendo Switch.

1 EarthBound

Longing for a Revival

The EarthBound series, known as Mother in Japan, debuted in 1989. Despite its initial release on the NES in Japan, the game was not officially available in the West until EarthBound Beginnings in 2015. The sequel, Mother 3, has never been officially translated or released in the West, leaving fans yearning for a revival of this beloved franchise.

2 Golden Sun

Awaiting the Dawn of a New Title

The Golden Sun series, which commenced in 2001 on the GBA, has not seen a new release since 2010. Loved for its blend of traditional turn-based mechanics and innovative puzzle-solving, fans eagerly await a new addition to the series on the Nintendo Switch.

3 Kid Icarus

Yearning for the Return of Pit

The Kid Icarus series, last revived on the 3DS in 2012, has been in hiatus since then. Fans hope for a remaster of the existing title or a new sequel to breathe life back into this cherished franchise on the Nintendo Switch.