Unveiling the Potential Splendor of Ninja Kamui's Climactic Episodes

This week's action-packed sequences rekindle excitement, hinting at a thrilling finale in the making.
Unveiling the Potential Splendor of Ninja Kamui's Climactic Episodes


  • Ninja Kamui's recent slump could be overturned by the promising showdown between Higan and Zai.
  • Zai's character depth could have been enriched with a more elaborate backstory.
  • Improvements in the show's CGI are observed, especially in the upcoming battle sans sci-fi elements.

Throughout the past 10 weeks, Ninja Kamui has oscillated between its action-packed premise and a character-driven narrative, occasionally falling short of expectations. However, this wavering quality took a potentially exhilarating turn this week.

The recent events saw Emma and Jason engaging in a cyberattack on Auza to uncover confidential information, while Higan and Mike clashed with Big D and the corporation's mercenaries. Emma's unexpected demise in the midst of victory left a palpable void in the show, stripping away a charismatic presence.

The Emergence of Zai

Following a major character's death, the narrative delves into planning future moves and addressing new challenges, with a spotlight on Zai's story. Zai, Higan, and Mari were once a renowned trio until the latter two fled into exile. Zai, long in the shadows, finally steps into the forefront to confront Higan, with a simmering rivalry awaiting resolution.

Lack of Momentum in Zai's Introduction

Despite Zai's menacing appearance, his character lacks substantial development beyond a few notable actions. His subdued nature and enigmatic grudge against Higan remain largely unexplored, leaving a narrative gap that could have been filled with a more intricate backstory.

Ninja Kamui seems to be reclaiming its essence in the latest battle, hinting at a return to Sunghoo Park's signature style. The fluid and dynamic combat sequences, sprinkled with graphic elements, revive the show's ninja-centric theme, injecting a renewed sense of vigor.

Revisiting the CGI Quandary

The show's utilization of CGI has been a contentious issue, marked by a departure from its initial action-oriented approach. However, glimpses of traditional animation hint at a potential shift back to basics in the upcoming clash between Higan and Zai. This move, if executed effectively, could signify a departure from the sci-fi embellishments that have divided audiences.

Surprisingly, the CGI in the impending battle showcases a marked improvement in quality and execution, raising questions about its inconsistent use throughout the series. The refined choreography and cinematography reflect a more polished production standard, offering a glimpse of the show's untapped potential.