Nightingale: Top Long-Range Weapons

Discover the most effective long-range weapons in Nightingale to optimize your Essence usage and combat performance.
Nightingale: Top Long-Range Weapons


  • Lancaster Pistol offers flexibility and ample ammo for early-game advantage.
  • Porter Pistol boasts high power and maneuverability, ideal for mid-game engagements.
  • Winchester Rifle stands out as the ultimate weapon choice with high magazine capacity and rapid firing ability.

Nightingale provides a variety of long-range weaponry, but selecting the right ones to craft is crucial for conserving Essence. To make informed choices and maximize combat effectiveness, explore the following guide to the top long-range weapons in Nightingale.

Lancaster Pistol

The Lancaster Pistol emerges as the optimal early-game selection. Its superior ammo capacity and swift reload offer enhanced flexibility over the rifle and shotgun counterparts. Despite its slightly lower damage output, the ability to unload all bullets at once compensates for this drawback. Additionally, being a one-handed weapon, it allows for dual-tasking in combat. While its range is limited compared to other firearms, the Lancaster Pistol's overall advantages make it the top choice in the early stages.

Obtain a Lancaster Pistol through completing Bass Reeves quests for free. Alternatively, acquire the Lancaster Pistol schematic from the Forest Provider Essence Trader and craft it using the following materials:

  • 1 Barrel
  • 1 Wrap
  • 1 Stock
  • 1 Action

Porter Pistol

For enthusiasts of pistols, the Porter Pistol shines as the most potent option. With marginally lower damage than the Webley Revolver but a substantial increase in bullet count, it excels in maneuverability during combat. It is advisable to craft the Porter Pistol after acquiring the Winchester Rifle and utilizing the Webley Revolver simultaneously, which can be obtained for free.

The Porter Pistol shares similar pros and cons with the Lancaster Pistol, offering a free hand for multitasking but lacking in range compared to shotguns and rifles. Purchase the Porter Pistol schematic from The Watch or Miscellaneous Essence Trader and craft it using these materials:

  • 1 Barrel
  • 1 Filigree
  • 1 Forged Handle
  • 1 Refined Action

Winchester Rifle

Upon acquiring the Winchester Rifle, its superiority in the arsenal becomes evident. While the Lee Metford Rifle may seem competitive due to higher stats, its limited ammunition and delayed shot intervals pose challenges in combat. In contrast, the Winchester Rifle features a magazine with up to 14 bullets that can be rapidly discharged. However, reloading involves inserting each bullet individually, potentially elongating the process. Obtain the Porter Pistol schematic from The Watch or Miscellaneous Essence Trader and craft it using the following materials:

  • 1 Barrel
  • 1 Metal Plate
  • 1 Handle
  • 1 Refined Action