Exciting News: Stardew Valley's Update 1.6 Progress for Consoles and Mobile

Discover the latest developments from the creator of Stardew Valley regarding the upcoming Update 1.6 for console and mobile platforms.
Exciting News: Stardew Valley's Update 1.6 Progress for Consoles and Mobile


  • Stardew Valley fans eagerly await Update 1.6 on consoles and mobile devices.
  • Console and mobile versions will closely mirror the PC version of the update, except for one multiplayer feature.
  • Stay tuned for more updates from ConcernedApe as he works on bringing Update 1.6 to all platforms.

Stardew Valley enthusiasts were thrilled to hear from Eric 'ConcernedApe' Barone, the mastermind behind the game, with an exclusive update on the progress of Update 1.6 for consoles and mobile devices. Despite being around for eight years, Stardew Valley continues to captivate players with its fresh updates. The recent launch of Update 1.6 introduced a plethora of new content, albeit exclusively for PC gamers at the moment.

The PC community recently enjoyed the arrival of Stardew Valley Update 1.6, unlocking new festivals, character interactions, quality of life enhancements, and additional endgame challenges. This update sparked a resurgence of interest in the game, breaking its own Steam player count record in the process. Naturally, players on consoles and mobile platforms are eagerly anticipating the release of Update 1.6 on their devices, although the exact launch date remains uncertain.

Gamers on PS4, Xbox, Switch, and mobile devices are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Update 1.6. While specifics are scarce, ConcernedApe reassured fans via Twitter that work on the console and mobile versions is ongoing and will be rolled out 'as soon as possible.' Fans can expect regular updates as progress continues, with ConcernedApe expressing gratitude for their patience and support during this process.

Update 1.6 Heading to Consoles and Mobile Soon

When Update 1.6 eventually reaches consoles and mobile platforms, it is likely to be more refined compared to its initial PC release. Following the PC launch, some bugs were identified and promptly fixed in subsequent updates, ensuring a smoother experience for console and mobile users.

Although the console and mobile versions of Stardew Valley will closely resemble the PC edition, one notable feature will be absent. The PC update introduced expanded multiplayer support for up to eight players, a feature that will not be extended to other platforms.

Once Update 1.6 lands on consoles and mobile devices, with all technical glitches addressed, ConcernedApe will shift focus to Haunted Chocolatier. This upcoming game is poised to inherit the charm of Stardew Valley, promising an exciting journey for fans eagerly awaiting its release.