Top 24 Defending Operators to Master in Rainbow Six Siege

Discover the best defending operators in Rainbow Six Siege and elevate your defensive gameplay to the next level.
Top 24 Defending Operators to Master in Rainbow Six Siege


  • Learn about the top 24 defensive operators in Rainbow Six Siege
  • Understand each operator's unique abilities and strategic advantages
  • Enhance your defensive gameplay with these expert operators

Rainbow Six Siege has expanded its roster of operators over the years, offering a wide selection of choices for both Attack and Defense. When it comes to selecting the best defending operators, various factors come into play such as the objective site, the map, and the opponent's strategies.

To assist players in making informed decisions, here are the top defending operators in Rainbow Six Siege. These operators have been chosen based on their consistent effectiveness and versatility rather than situational advantages:

Updated on February 3, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: As Brazil prepares to host Six Invitational 2024, the Rainbow Six Siege community is gearing up to witness the arrival of the best teams of the year. To keep up with the game's evolving meta and the strategies employed by the professional teams, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the most prominent defending operators. These operators include specialists in obstruction, area denial, trap setting, and intelligence gathering.

24 Thunderbird

Support Allies with Long-Range Healing

Thunderbird excels in providing high-speed support to secure positions and aid her teammates. Her Kona Station is pivotal, offering healing and reviving capabilities. By leveraging her mobility, Thunderbird transforms zones into secondary defensive points, creating opportunities for successful ambushes and roams.

However, the Kona Station is vulnerable to disabling by EMP devices and melee strikes. To bolster its durability, defensive gadgets such as MAG-NETs, ADS, and Deployable Shields can be strategically deployed.

23 Rook

Enhance Team Defense

Rook stands out as a supportive defender, boosting the team's defenses with his R1N “RHINO” Armor. This armor provides damage resistance, significantly improving the team's survivability. Despite the armor's time-consuming activation and vulnerability to outside damage, Rook's synergy with other defensive operators amplifies the team's overall defensive capabilities.

22 Ela

Impede Enemy Movement in Rigged Spaces

Ela, a three-speed trap operator, utilizes Grzmot Mines to disrupt attackers' movement. These mines, when triggered, disorient adversaries, providing a strategic advantage to defenders. Despite her challenging primary weapon, Ela's utility in impeding enemy movements and gathering intelligence makes her a valuable asset to the defending team.

21 Pulse

Gain Intel through Wall Scanning

Pulse's defensive prowess lies in intelligence gathering using his HB-5 Cardiac Sensor. This gadget enables Pulse to track opponents through surfaces, providing valuable enemy position intel to the defending team. However, the HB-5's vulnerability to electronic countermeasures requires strategic deployment to maximize its effectiveness.

20 Doc

Revive and Heal Allies from a Distance

Doc's expertise in healing and reviving allies enhances the defending team's survivability. His MPD-0 Stim Pistol provides remote healing and revival capabilities, making him an indispensable asset in critical situations. However, players must compensate for Doc's lack of hard defense and offense with tactical proficiency and marksmanship.

19 Melusi

Slow Down Attackers for Tactical Advantage

Melusi's Banshee Sonic Defence gadget provides early warning and slows down attackers, creating opportunities for the defending team to gain the upper hand. Her strategic placement of Banshees serves as a prelude to engaging attackers, adding a layer of tactical depth to defensive strategies.