New Possibilities for Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts 4

Exploring the potential impact of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy on the evolution of Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts 4.
New Possibilities for Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts 4


  • The inclusion of Marvel and Star Wars content in Kingdom Hearts 4 could lead to innovative gameplay and narrative opportunities.
  • The integration of Guardians of the Galaxy into Kingdom Hearts 4's Gummi Ships could offer players the chance to interact with the heroes on a custom-made spaceship.
  • The infusion of Kingdom Hearts with Guardians of the Galaxy presents an exciting prospect to expand Gummi Ship gameplay, introducing interior exploration and customization options.

Ever since the revelation of the development of Kingdom Hearts 4, there has been widespread speculation and discussion about the potential incorporation of Marvel and Star Wars into the Kingdom Hearts universe. The addition of these colossal franchises to Kingdom Hearts would undoubtedly bring about significant changes, and there is a particular Marvel franchise that could elevate a fundamental element of the Kingdom Hearts series.

The inclusion of Gummi Ships in the original Kingdom Hearts game in 2002 has been a consistent feature throughout the series, albeit not universally embraced. While some players admire these LEGO-inspired miniature spacecraft, others consider the gameplay surrounding them to be somewhat distracting. Despite this divergence in opinion, Square Enix has continuously enhanced the Gummi Ships across the three primary Kingdom Hearts installments by introducing new customization options, movement mechanics, and combat systems. Should Kingdom Hearts 4 venture into Marvel territory, there exists an elegant opportunity to further evolve this aspect of the franchise.

A Revolutionary Approach to Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts 4, Inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy

Expanding Kingdom Hearts with Marvel and Star Wars content carries some risk, but undeniably offers immense potential for fresh gameplay and narrative scenarios. While allowing players to engage with iconic locations and characters from these franchises is an obvious advantage, the IPs could also be utilized in more specific and unique ways. When considering Guardians of the Galaxy, one of Marvel's most beloved series, it becomes apparent that Gummi Ships are an ideal fit.

The Convergence of Kingdom Hearts 4's Gummi Ships and Guardians of the Galaxy's Narrative

A defining characteristic of Guardians of the Galaxy is its multi-location narrative. The Guardians are akin to interstellar wanderers, with their only consistent abode being the Milano, their spaceship and central base. The 2021 game Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy effectively explored this premise in a gaming context, and Kingdom Hearts 4 could adopt a similar approach.

Instead of merely visiting a popular planet from Guardians of the Galaxy, players in Kingdom Hearts 4 could interact with the heroes on a spaceship. However, rather than a static replica of the Milano, the Guardians' vessel could be a player-designed Gummi Ship. Essentially, the Guardians, known for their nomadic lifestyle, could accompany Sora and the team throughout the adventure, with certain missions specific to the franchise centered around Gummi Ship gameplay and travel. This concept holds significant potential and could serve as one of the more distinctive features of Kingdom Hearts 4.

Enhancing Gummi Ship Gameplay in Kingdom Hearts 4

Integrating Kingdom Hearts with Guardians of the Galaxy presents a prime opportunity to expand on the elements associated with Gummi Ships. Players could, for the first time, explore the interior of a Gummi Ship, adding much-desired depth to these customized creations. This would be crucial for storytelling, as Sora could directly interact with the Guardians while they reside on the ship. Furthermore, customization could be enriched through the context of the Guardians, introducing new features such as living quarters or amenities alongside the traditional practical upgrades available for Gummi Ships.

Gummi Ships are an integral part of the Kingdom Hearts series, and the fourth installment should uphold this tradition. Nevertheless, this longstanding feature has the potential for growth, and the inclusion of Guardians of the Galaxy in Kingdom Hearts 4 could serve as a catalyst for this expansion.