Exciting Multiplayer Features Enhance Payday 3 Experience

Discover the latest enhancements coming to the troubled co-op shooter, Payday 3, in its upcoming update.
Exciting Multiplayer Features Enhance Payday 3 Experience


  • Upcoming update for Payday 3 introduces quickplay and player merging for improved multiplayer dynamics.
  • Quickplay feature facilitates easy joining of heists based on preferred difficulty settings.
  • Player merging functionality enables seamless continuation with the same team after a heist.

Amid ongoing improvements, Payday 3 is gearing up to unveil exciting multiplayer features, quickplay, and player merging, enriching the gameplay experience. Developed by Starbreeze Studios, the upcoming update aims to address previous shortcomings and elevate player engagement.

Following its release seven months ago, Payday 3 faced challenges such as server issues, bugs, and feature gaps, tarnishing its initial success in sales. Starbreeze Studios has been diligently working on rectifying these issues through a series of updates, striving to align the game with players' expectations.

The forthcoming patch for Payday 3 will introduce quickplay, a long-awaited addition enabling swift entry into heists tailored to players' desired difficulty levels. This feature aligns with Starbreeze Studios' Operation Medic Bag initiative, streamlining the matchmaking process and enhancing accessibility.

In addition to quickplay, player merging will be integrated into Payday 3, allowing participants to seamlessly continue collaborating with their team post-heist. This feature fosters camaraderie among players and promotes ongoing teamwork within the game.

Anticipated Features in April 2024

  • Quickplay
  • Player Merging

Starbreeze Studios plans to expand on quickplay in subsequent updates, potentially incorporating a standalone system with filters or integrating it into the anticipated Crime.Net-style server browser set for release in 2024. Leveraging familiar elements from Payday 2's Crime.Net contract system, this approach seeks to re-engage players who have reverted to the previous installment.

Despite initial challenges, Payday 3 remains committed to enhancing its multiplayer experience and reinvigorating player engagement. By introducing innovative features like quickplay and player merging, the game aims to captivate both existing fans and new players, fostering a dynamic and collaborative gaming environment.