Mastering Navigation in Shadows of Doubt

Discover how to effortlessly maneuver through the city and solve mysteries in Shadows of Doubt using the Auto-Navigate feature.
Mastering Navigation in Shadows of Doubt


  • Utilize the Auto-Navigate function for seamless city exploration and efficient case-solving.
  • Learn how to activate Auto-Navigate effortlessly to reach your destination quickly.
  • Overcome obstacles and optimize your travel experience in Shadows of Doubt by mastering Auto-Navigate.

Shadows of Doubt presents a captivating open-world detective experience crafted by Colepowered Games and brought to life by Fireshine Games. Following the implementation of the Sharpshooter Update, the introduction of the Auto-Navigate feature has revolutionized city traversal within the game. This update not only introduced new murder weapons and a fresh category of killers but also expanded the array of buildings and locations within the game.

The Auto-Navigate functionality in Shadows of Doubt empowers players to effortlessly navigate to specific destinations, simplifying exploration through intricate city landscapes. Moreover, it enables players to access the Case Board on the go, allowing them to review ongoing cases while traveling, thereby minimizing downtime between investigating crime scenes and points of interest.

Mastering Auto-Navigate

Activating Auto-Navigate is a breeze in the city streets of Shadows of Doubt. Simply right-click on your desired location on the City Map to unveil a drop-down menu featuring the "Auto Travel" option. By selecting Auto Travel, you will automatically be guided along the shortest route to your chosen destination. Additionally, you can designate a location as evidence on your Case Board and click the "Plot Route and Enable Auto Travel" button. This feature ensures that accessing the Case Board does not interrupt gameplay, allowing you to peruse your notes and manage evidence seamlessly while en route—extremely beneficial for tackling complex cases.

Cancelling Auto-Travel mid-journey is effortless; a right-click will suffice, while Sprint can be toggled with the Shift key as usual. Occasionally, Auto-Navigate may encounter obstacles, such as getting stuck near a destination due to a closed door. In such instances, a simple right-click to cancel followed by manual navigation or reactivating Auto-Navigate post-obstacle clearance is recommended. It's important to note that Auto-Travel loses its efficacy if the destination is inaccessible, obstructed, or within a restricted zone, necessitating players to employ their infiltration or negotiation skills to proceed.