The Unfit Leaders: 6 Naruto Characters Who Shouldn't Have Been Kage

Exploring the detrimental impact caused by these Naruto characters assuming Kage roles.
The Unfit Leaders: 6 Naruto Characters Who Shouldn't Have Been Kage


  • Choosing a competent Kage is vital for the village's prosperity as their decisions influence everyone.
  • Several Naruto characters appointed as Kage made disastrous choices, resulting in significant losses and casualties.
  • Instances like Hiruzen's negligence and Tobirama's bias led to chaos, demonstrating not all Kage were suitable for leadership.

Being a Kage holds immense importance in a village's governance. In the world of Naruto, the Kage's decisions can profoundly impact their communities. Hence, it is crucial for villages to carefully select individuals who can aptly represent them.

While most Kage are chosen wisely, there have been exceptions where the appointed leaders made detrimental decisions that led to economic setbacks or even tyranny. The following Naruto characters exemplify why they were ill-suited for the role of Kage.

6 Hashirama Senju

Failure to Provide Proper Leadership

Hashirama Senju, known as the "God of Shinobi," possessed immense power but lacked the foresight required in a leader. His failure to address his brother's prejudice towards the Uchiha clan had significant repercussions.

5 Rasa

Propensity for Sacrificing Innocent Lives

Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage, prioritized his village's dominance, even at the cost of others' safety. His alliance with Orochimaru led to disastrous consequences for the Hidden Sand.

4 Yagura

Contributing to Senseless Deaths

Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, fostered a hostile environment in the Hidden Mist, resulting in a wave of fatalities, including gruesome incidents like Zabuza's actions.

3 Hiruzen Sarutobi

Indecisiveness Leading to Tragedy

Hiruzen Sarutobi's complacency during the Uchiha Clan turmoil, allowing Danzo a free hand, resulted in a genocide that claimed numerous innocent lives.

2 Tobirama Senju

Instigating Division and Resentment

Despite his reforms for the Hidden Leaf, Tobirama Senju's biased actions against the Uchiha Clan led to deep-rooted animosity, eventually culminating in a near-extinction scenario for the clan.

1 Danzo

Mastermind Behind Tragic Massacres

Danzo's ruthless tactics, including orchestrating the Uchiha Clan massacre, highlight his unsuitability for leadership. His malevolent schemes and inhumane experiments showcased his disregard for innocent lives.