Motion Twin Faces Harsh Criticism Over Dead Cells Update Announcement

The decision to halt future updates for Dead Cells by Motion Twin sparks strong disapproval from one of the game's co-creators.
Motion Twin Faces Harsh Criticism Over Dead Cells Update Announcement


  • The former lead designer of Dead Cells publicly criticizes Motion Twin's decision, accusing them of prioritizing profit over the game's community and employees.
  • Motion Twin justifies the decision to stop updating Dead Cells as a means to prevent creative stagnation and preserve the game's essence, while also pledging to address ongoing quality-of-life issues and bugs.
  • Despite uncertainty about the game's future, fans can still engage with Dead Cells through the ongoing development of the animated series.

The announcement by Motion Twin to discontinue future updates for the popular game Dead Cells has sparked intense disapproval from Sébastien Benard, the former lead designer of the game. Motion Twin, the development studio behind the roguelike Dead Cells, recently declared that they would no longer be providing updates for the game, a move that has surprised and disappointed many, including one of its co-creators.

Dead Cells is an action-platformer video game known for its roguelike features and Metroidvania-style exploration. Released in 2018 by Motion Twin, the game involves players navigating procedurally generated levels, engaging in battles, obtaining upgrades, and unlocking new abilities with each playthrough. Its fast-paced combat, smooth movement, and challenging difficulty have contributed to its status as a standout indie title.

Sébastien Benard voiced strong criticism of Motion Twin's decision to cease updates for Dead Cells, expressing his dismay on the game's Discord platform. Benard condemned the studio's actions as detrimental to Dead Cells and Evil Empire, shedding light on underlying tensions and disagreements and portraying the studio as driven by greed and disregard for its devoted player base.