The Weirdest NPCs You'll Encounter in Open-World Games

From M'aiq The Liar in Skyrim to The Strange Man in Red Dead Redemption 2, these NPCs are the quirkiest you'll find in open-world gaming.
The Weirdest NPCs You'll Encounter in Open-World Games


  • Unusual NPCs add depth and excitement to open-world games, making the gaming experience more interesting for players.
  • Characters like M'aiq The Liar, Billy Peabody, and The Strange Man introduce mystery and fascination into their game worlds.
  • NPCs such as Beedle and Johnny Silverhand bring humor, complexity, and immersion to the narrative, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Open-world games have become some of the most popular titles today, offering players the chance to explore vast new worlds filled with quests, treasures, and a myriad of characters to engage with. The allure of encountering well-developed characters in these games is unparalleled in the gaming realm, especially when these characters are anything but ordinary.

Players often find themselves drawn to the more peculiar NPCs in these games, whether due to their eccentricities or their enigmatic backgrounds. These memorable and strange characters tend to resonate more with players, providing a refreshing break from the typical NPC interactions. They bring a unique charm to even the darkest game worlds, adding a touch of whimsy that can make the gaming experience truly unforgettable. With that said, let's delve into some of the most eccentric NPCs you'll encounter in open-world games.

6 M'aiq The Liar: Skyrim

A Purveyor of Misinformation

M'aiq The Liar, a recurring character in the Elder Scrolls series, made his mark in the beloved Skyrim. Players encounter this enigmatic Khajit wandering the world, sharing misleading information or random trivia that adds an extra layer of peculiarity to the already strange universe of Skyrim.

Engaging in conversation with M'aiq is always a mix of amusement and frustration, as players navigate through his web of supposed facts. His presence serves as a reminder to players to interact with a variety of NPCs, as you never know what intriguing tidbits you might uncover.

5 Billy Peabody: Fallout 4

The Boy in the Fridge

In Fallout 4, players stumble upon the peculiar character of Billy Peabody, a child found hiding in a refrigerator. This unexpected encounter triggers a unique quest where players must unravel the mysteries surrounding Billy's time in the fridge amidst the post-apocalyptic chaos.

Billy's storyline stands out as one of the most unusual quests in the game, showcasing the unpredictability of the wasteland and the bizarre situations players can find themselves in. It's a testament to the game's ability to surprise and intrigue players at every turn.

4 The Strange Man: Red Dead Redemption 2

An Enigmatic Enforcer of Mystery

The enigmatic Strange Man in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Players can stumble upon his eerie shack in Bayall Edge, each character revealing different aspects of this puzzling persona. Whether a harbinger of death or a symbol of malevolence, the Strange Man's presence adds an unsettling aura to the game world.

Despite numerous speculations, the true nature of the Strange Man remains elusive, enhancing the air of uncertainty that surrounds his character. His cryptic existence enriches the game's narrative, leaving players both fascinated and unnerved by his enigmatic persona.

3 Beedle: The Legend Of Zelda - Breath Of The Wild

The Eccentric Beetle Collector

Beedle, the quirky merchant in The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, stands out as a dedicated beetle enthusiast with a penchant for dramatics. Players encounter Beedle's eccentric behavior as he passionately trades beetles for various items, displaying a comical attachment to his insect collection.

Declining Beedle's offers unveils his entertaining reactions, showcasing his whimsical nature and adding a touch of humor to player interactions. His zealous pursuit of beetles injects a lighthearted charm into the game, making encounters with Beedle a delightful and memorable experience.

2 Johnny Silverhand: Cyberpunk 2077

The Enigmatic Holographic Guide

Johnny Silverhand emerges as one of the most peculiar NPCs in Cyberpunk 2077, existing as a holographic projection of his deceased self. While offering guidance to players, his cryptic messages and perplexing dialogues add a layer of confusion to the gameplay. Despite his enigmatic nature, Silverhand's backstory contributes to the game's dark narrative, enriching the overall experience.

Silverhand's presence in Cyberpunk 2077 introduces an element of mystery and intrigue, inviting players to unravel the complexities of his character amidst the dystopian setting. His cryptic interactions may bewilder players, but they undeniably enhance the game's immersive atmosphere, making him a standout character in the cybernetic world.

1 Gary: Fallout 3

The Cloning Conundrum

Enter the bizarre world of Gary in Fallout 3, a unique character residing in the ill-fated Vault 108. Originally one of the vault's inhabitants, Gary's story takes a twisted turn with the failed cloning experiment that led to the proliferation of hostile Gary clones within the vault.

The tale of Gary and his clones unfolds as one of the most peculiar narratives in Fallout 3, highlighting the resilience and oddity of these cloned inhabitants surviving underground. Interacting with the Garys adds a whimsical touch to the game's narrative, showcasing the unexpected and eccentric encounters players can stumble upon in the depths of Vault 108.