The Top 15 Materia with Incredible Power in Final Fantasy 7

Discover the most potent Materia choices for an edge in Final Fantasy 7.
The Top 15 Materia with Incredible Power in Final Fantasy 7


  • Morph Materia can boost stats significantly, especially when paired with Yuffie's Conformer weapon.
  • Contain Materia offers potent single-target spells with status effects but lacks area-of-effect capabilities.
  • Ultima Materia delivers strong non-elemental attacks but comes with high MP and gil costs.

Final Fantasy 7 is a game that elicits strong emotions from players. Whether loved or loathed, its impact is undeniable. Among the many aspects that captivate players, the Materia system stands out for the customization it offers. New players often struggle to identify the best Materia to use, given the vast array available. To shed light on this, here are some of the most powerful Materia choices in the game.

Updated by Chris Littlechild, March 15, 2024: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has altered the combat system while retaining the importance of Materia for character enhancement.

While new Materia have been introduced in the remakes, returning to the original game prompts the need to identify the strongest Materia. This revised list includes additional entries from the iconic PlayStation classic.

15 Morph

A Unique Tactical Option for Power

  • Morph Materia allows users to turn targets into items, crucial for power-ups with specific strategies.
  • Enhanced by Yuffie's Conformer weapon, Morph can significantly boost party stats via unique item acquisition.

The Morph Materia provides a distinct tactical advantage, especially when coupled with specific character weapons. By converting enemies into items, players can enhance their party's capabilities, albeit through a time-consuming process.

14 Contain

Devastating Single-Target Spells

  • Contain Materia offers potent single-target spells with status effects but lacks broad area coverage.
  • Unlocking Freeze, Break, Tornado, and Flare, this Materia provides powerful elemental attacks with status inflictions.

Containing a quartet of formidable spells, the Contain Materia becomes a valuable asset for strategic combat engagements, despite its limited range.

13 Ultima

A Costly Yet Powerful Spell

  • Ultima Materia offers a potent non-elemental spell at the expense of character stats and resources.
  • With high MP and gil costs, Ultima delivers substantial multi-target damage but requires careful resource management.

Known for its formidable might, Ultima Materia empowers characters with a costly yet impactful non-elemental spell, demanding strategic resource allocation.