Why the Monsterverse Needs an All-Kaiju Film

Exploring the potential of a giant monster movie without human characters in Legendary's franchise.
Why the Monsterverse Needs an All-Kaiju Film


  • The Monsterverse franchise may benefit from focusing solely on the monsters.
  • Human characters in the Monsterverse lack depth compared to the kaiju.
  • Fans are eager for an all-kaiju movie experience in the Monsterverse.

The Monsterverse franchise has solidified its identity after the clash of titans in Godzilla vs. Kong, setting the stage for future monster-centric films. The success of Godzilla vs. Kong at the box office has proven the audience's appetite for kaiju battles. It's time for the franchise to move beyond human characters and delve deeper into the world of monsters.

As the Monsterverse continues to evolve, there is a clear divide in the quality of storytelling between the kaiju and human characters. While the monsters offer compelling narratives and epic showdowns, the human characters often fall flat, lacking depth and meaningful contributions to the plot.

Embracing Kaiju Stories

The Monsterverse stands out as a cinematic universe that excels in delivering kaiju stories. Learning from past failures of other franchises, it has stayed true to its roots and reaped the rewards. Each film, from Godzilla to Godzilla vs. Kong, has contributed to building a rich world of giant monsters and epic battles.

Godzilla vs. Kong marked a shift towards prioritizing monster action over human drama, a decision that resonated well with audiences. By focusing on the monsters and their interactions, the film delivered a thrilling experience that showcased the true essence of the Monsterverse.

Reimagining the Monsterverse

The Monsterverse has the opportunity to explore new horizons by creating an all-kaiju movie. With iconic creatures like Godzilla and Kong at the forefront, the franchise can delve into the depths of monster mythology without the constraints of human narratives.

Director Adam Wingard's vision for the future of the Monsterverse hints at a more monster-centric approach, focusing on the unique relationships and dynamics between the kaiju themselves. By eliminating human distractions, the franchise can fully unleash the potential of its monstrous characters.

Meeting Fan Expectations

Fans of the Monsterverse have expressed a strong desire for an all-kaiju movie experience, free from human interventions. By embracing this fan sentiment and crafting a narrative centered solely on the monsters, the franchise can deliver a unique and immersive storytelling experience that resonates with audiences.

It's time for the Monsterverse to step into uncharted territory and explore the world of kaiju without the need for human characters. By focusing on what truly sets this franchise apart – the epic battles and mythical creatures – Legendary can redefine the genre and captivate audiences in a whole new way.