Unveiling Rise's Shortcomings Through Monster Hunter World's Revival

Discovering the areas where Monster Hunter Rise fell short as its forerunner, Monster Hunter World, experienced a surge in popularity.
Unveiling Rise's Shortcomings Through Monster Hunter World's Revival


  • Monster Hunter World transformed the franchise with its rich, detailed world, dynamic environments, lifelike creature behavior, and seamless transitions between zones.
  • Monster Hunter Rise, designed for the Nintendo Switch, lacks the same level of detail and immersion, focusing on a portable experience and constrained by hardware limitations.
  • The superior graphics and intricate environments of Monster Hunter World deliver a more captivating and grandiose experience compared to Monster Hunter Rise, underscoring the significance of seemingly minor details in game design.

Monster Hunter World debuted in 2018, but it has experienced a resurgence in player numbers in 2024 following the unveiling of Monster Hunter Wilds at The Game Awards last year. This resurgence sheds light on the ways in which Rise fell short, despite its release in 2021 with a similar feature set. MH Rise was initially developed for the Nintendo Switch, retaining the open zones introduced in Monster Hunter World and introducing significant enhancements to player movement. However, the renewed interest in MH World highlights the areas where Rise pales in comparison, emphasizing the impact of seemingly minor details.

The launch of MH World marked a pivotal moment for the Monster Hunter franchise. World revolutionized the traditional gameplay loop of hunting monsters for loot and strength, transitioning from portable platforms like the 3DS to home consoles. Previous entries featured maps divided by loading screens, less detailed environments, and a limited variety of monster behaviors and interactions, often resulting in shorter hunts to accommodate shorter play sessions. In contrast, MH World redesigned the series for a more immersive, at-home experience on more powerful hardware, crafting a truly living world.

Monster Hunter World's Living Ecosystem

Compared to its predecessors, Monster Hunter World boasts vibrant and dynamic environments with increased creature density, lush foliage, intricate textures, and seamless transitions between zones. The game's hubs are also more elaborate, amplifying the sense of a living, breathing world. Fundamentally rooted in the ecological balance of its fantasy realm, World marked the first instance where the environment and its inhabitants were imbued with a genuine sense of realism.

Each environment in Monster Hunter World feels truly alive, with distinct ecologies, creature nests, and environmental dynamics that allow for interactive gameplay experiences. The game's expansion, Iceborne, introduced challenging snowy environments, further accentuating the game's immersive nature. As a title for the Nintendo Switch, Monster Hunter Rise inevitably falls short in replicating the intricate details that set Monster Hunter World apart from its predecessors.

A Backward Step for Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise maintains World's open structure, but the limitations of the Switch prevent it from achieving the same level of detail. Designed to align with earlier portable entries, Rise offers easier and quicker hunts, with the addition of Wirebugs enabling swift map traversal. While Wirebugs enhance exploration, the maps themselves strike a balance between World and previous entries. Due to the constraints of the Switch and its focus on a portable experience, Monster Hunter Rise lacks the immersive, lived-in environments and slower pacing of World.

Monster Hunter World's Immersive Edge

Based on the trailer, Monster Hunter Wilds may feature dynamic weather and evolving environments, building upon the groundwork laid by MH World. While Rise's mobility improvements could be enhanced by the winged mount in Wilds, the game largely draws from its predecessor. It's important to note that MH Rise is not inferior, but its smaller, static environments are less captivating compared to those in World. The detailed environments in Monster Hunter World breathe life into the game and elevate the hunting experience, showcasing the impact of seemingly minor details.