Mastering Kushala Daora in Monster Hunter World: Defeating Tips and Weaknesses

Discover effective strategies and weaknesses to conquer Kushala Daora in Monster Hunter World.
Mastering Kushala Daora in Monster Hunter World: Defeating Tips and Weaknesses


  • Identifying Kushala Daora's Weaknesses
  • Selecting the Right Weapons for Victory
  • Utilizing Vital Armor Skills

A formidable opponent in Monster Hunter: World, Kushala Daora presents a daunting challenge to hunters. Overcoming this dragon requires careful planning and strategic execution, as its unique traits make it a formidable adversary.

Here are essential strategies and weaknesses to consider when facing off against Kushala Daora in Monster Hunter: World.

Uncovering Kushala Daora's Vulnerabilities

When engaging Kushala Daora, understanding its weaknesses is crucial. Thunder-based weapons prove to be the most effective, exploiting the dragon's vulnerability. Additionally, weapons with the Dragon element and those with Blast or Poison attributes also yield considerable damage. Employing Flash to stun the creature can limit its agility, creating openings for attacks.

Physical weaknesses are localized in the Head, Wings, and Tail, with the ideal target area varying based on the hunter's chosen weapon.

Choosing the Right Armaments

When selecting weapons for the encounter, hunters can opt for either short-ranged or long-ranged options. Close combat weapons are particularly effective, targeting the dragon's head to maximize damage. Meanwhile, long-ranged weapons such as bows and guns allow hunters to engage from a distance, although they must remain vigilant against Kushala Daora's projectile attacks.

Essential Armor Skills

In preparation for the battle, hunters should equip themselves with the appropriate armor skills. Kushala Daora's ability to conjure protective tornadoes poses a significant challenge. For close combat hunters, Windproof skills at level 3 provide critical defense against these tornado barriers, ensuring unhindered engagement.