Unveiling the Fresh Gameplay Dynamics of Monster Hunter Wilds

Exploring the innovative directions in gameplay that Monster Hunter Wilds is set to embark on.
Unveiling the Fresh Gameplay Dynamics of Monster Hunter Wilds


  • Monster Hunter Wilds is poised to introduce novel gameplay mechanics, potentially transitioning to an open-world format and emphasizing ecological disruptions and extreme weather phenomena.
  • Anticipate a unique mount system in Monster Hunter Wilds that enhances traversal and combat, evolving from previous titles to offer fresh gameplay elements.
  • Expect the inclusion of medium monsters, stampedes, and dynamic weather conditions in Monster Hunter Wilds, influencing gameplay dynamics and hunting tactics in its expansive world.

Enthusiasts of Monster Hunter are eagerly awaiting new insights into Monster Hunter Wilds, the forthcoming flagship installment of the series scheduled for a 2025 release. The unveil of the game's teaser trailer at the closure of the 2023 Game Awards ignited a wave of excitement within the Monster Hunter community, leading to an unprecedented surge in player numbers for Monster Hunter World. With updates on Monster Hunter Wilds slated for summer 2024, fans are gearing up to embrace the forthcoming alterations.

Representing the first significant leap since the launch of Monster Hunter World in 2018, Monster Hunter Wilds heralds a plethora of fresh opportunities for the franchise. Each principal installment of Monster Hunter has introduced at least one major novelty to complement its core gameplay, such as swimming in Monster Hunter Tri or verticality in Monster Hunter 4. While the standout feature of Monster Hunter Wilds might be its potential shift to an open-world setting, this departure marks a more substantial transformation than previous novelties. Based on the teaser trailer alone, several probable contenders exist for the primary gimmick that Monster Hunter Wilds will champion.

Converging Innovations Could Serve as Monster Hunter Wilds’ Secret Weapon

Several minor elements from past games appear to have been seamlessly integrated into Monster Hunter Wilds, hinting at the development of a new expansive gimmick. The presence of MH World's Scoutflies and Slinger suggests that Wilds may be set in the New World akin to its precursor. Furthermore, the utilization of a mount inherited from Monster Hunter Rise, with Wilds showcasing a new bird wyvern in lieu of the Palamutes, indicates a more diverse range of traversal options compared to Rise's hunter and Palamute duo, aligning well with the vast environments of MH Wilds.

The Mount Could Unlock Novel Features in Monster Hunter Wilds

However, a mount capable of flight or climbing essentially mirrors the grounded adaptations of wall-running and Wirebugs in MH Rise. If the mounted entity is central to a new Monster Hunter Wilds gimmick, it might encompass extensive mobility. This could involve tracking monsters across greater distances than usual, transporting a mobile base for prolonged hunts, or engaging in mounted battles. Should MH Wilds facilitate the switching of ranged and melee weapons as trailer analysis hints, aerial skirmishes between players and flying wyverns like the iconic fire-breathing Rathalos in MH could ensue. The mount in Monster Hunter Wilds offers numerous practical and cinematic possibilities, yet it may not be the sole innovation.

Ecological Disruptions Could Define Monster Hunter Wilds’ Persistent Innovation

Noteworthy elements in the Monster Hunter Wilds trailer include monster stampedes, featuring a species typically encountered as Large Monster adversaries in one-on-one or two-on-one encounters, and the dynamic weather variations. The introduction of Medium Monsters, reminiscent of the retired Medium Bowgun class from Monster Hunter Tri, implies that certain creatures will serve as intermediate foes while traversing between main hunts, unless provoked into a stampede. Even adept Long Sword wielders in Monster Hunter will face challenges against multiple opponents simultaneously, heightening the threat of stampedes comprising five or more monsters regardless of their location in Wilds.

Weather Might Emerge as the Central Theme of Monster Hunter Wilds

It is the weather conditions triggering these stampedes that players should pay heed to. A strong contender for the major gimmick of Monster Hunter Wilds is its extreme weather patterns, encompassing sandstorms and thunderstorms thus far, impacting both wildlife and players alike. If Monster Hunter Wilds incorporates prolonged hunting sessions, dynamic weather could inject additional diversity into extended pursuits. Certain creatures, including Elder Dragons with elemental affiliations, may only appear or launch assaults during specific weather conditions, with some presumably instigating the tumultuous climate. With the possibility of more extreme phenomena like hurricanes, tsunamis, blizzards, and lava streams on the horizon, Monster Hunter Wilds might transform nature into the ultimate adversary in the realm of Monster Hunter.