A Deep Dive into Monsties: The Creatures of Monster Hunter Stories

Exploring the diverse array of monsters in Monster Hunter Stories and how they enhance the gameplay experience.
A Deep Dive into Monsties: The Creatures of Monster Hunter Stories


  • Monster Hunter Stories introduces iconic monsters to a broader audience on new platforms, breaking away from its 3DS exclusivity.
  • Players get the unique opportunity to command and form bonds with legendary Monster Hunter creatures in strategic turn-based combat.
  • With a blend of trainable and untamed beasts, Monster Hunter Stories 2 broadens the horizons of its predecessor for an immersive RPG journey.

Capcom is set to launch the beloved Monster Hunter Stories on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PC on June 14, expanding its reach beyond the confines of the 3DS. This charming spin-off caters to enthusiasts of both Monster Hunter and creature-taming RPGs like Pokemon, offering a mix of tactical battles and the ability to ally with and control the iconic creatures from the Monster Hunter universe. The game features a rich collection of monsters, affectionately named 'Monsties,' providing players with a diverse range of allies.

Monster Hunter Stories 2 for the Nintendo Switch follows the same winning formula, introducing fresh gameplay elements and adjustments to the Monstie lineup. As the original game approaches its 10th anniversary, a comprehensive overview of both friendly and formidable monsters in the upcoming remaster proves invaluable for gamers deliberating on experiencing the title, especially if they already own Monster Hunter Stories 2.

Understanding Monsties in Monster Hunter Stories

In Monster Hunter Stories, monsters are classified into tamable and untamable categories, unlike other titles in the franchise. While every encountered monster poses a potential threat, players can selectively tame and recruit specific creatures as their loyal battle companions, known as Monsties. The following monsters are among those that players can enlist to fight alongside them:

  • Apceros
  • Aptonoth
  • Azuros
  • Barioth
  • Sand Barioth
  • Barroth
  • Jade Barroth
  • Basarios
  • Ruby Basarios
  • Brachydios
  • Bulldrome
  • Cephadrome
  • Congalala
  • Emerald Congalala
  • Deviljho
  • Diablos
  • Black Diablos
  • Epona
  • Gendrome
  • Glavenus
  • Gravios
  • Black Gravios
  • Great Baggi
  • Great Jaggi
  • Great Poogie
  • Gypceros
  • Purple Gypceros
  • Iodrome
  • Kecha Wacha
  • Ash Kecha Wacha
  • Khezu
  • Red Khezu
  • Kirin
  • Oroshi Kirin
  • Kumashira
  • Kurenai Goukami
  • Kushala Daora
  • Lagiacrus
  • Ivory Lagiacrus
  • Lagombi
  • Monoblos
  • White Monoblos
  • Nargacuga
  • Green Nargacuga
  • Nerscylla
  • Shrouded Nerscylla
  • Popo
  • Qurupeco
  • Crimson Qurupeco
  • Rajang
  • Rathalos
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Silver Rathalos
  • Rathian
  • Pink Rathian
  • Gold Rathian
  • Royal Ludroth
  • Purple Ludroth
  • Seregios
  • Teostra
  • Tigrex
  • Brute Tigrex
  • Molten Tigrex
  • Uragaan
  • Velocidrome
  • Yian Garuga
  • Yian Kut-Ku
  • Blue Yian Kut-Ku
  • Zamtrios
  • Zinogre
  • Stygian Zinogre

Categorizing Monsters in Monster Hunter Stories

The Monster Hunter series organizes its vast array of creatures based on their Type, a blend of traditional Class and Order distinctions in the biological taxonomy system. Featuring both wild antagonists and trainable allies, Monster Hunter Stories showcases a diverse bestiary that includes:


  • Zamite
  • Zamtrios

Bird Wyverns

  • Baggi
  • Great Baggi
  • Gargwa
  • Gendrome
  • Genprey
  • Gypceros
  • Purple Gypceros
  • Iodrome
  • Ioprey
  • Jaggi
  • Great Jaggi
  • Jaggia
  • Qurupeco
  • Crimson Qurupeco
  • Velocidrome
  • Velociprey
  • Yian Garuga
  • Yian Kut-Ku
  • Blue Yian Kut-Ku

Brute Wyverns

  • Barroth
  • Barroth EX
  • Jade Barroth
  • Brachydios
  • Deviljho
  • Glavenus
  • Uragaan
  • Uragaan EX


  • Daimyo Hermitaur
  • Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
  • Hermitaur

Fanged Beasts

  • Azuros
  • Bulldrome
  • Bullfango
  • Conga
  • Congalala
  • Emerald Congalala
  • Kecha Wacha
  • Ash Kecha Wacha
  • Kumashira
  • Lagombi
  • Rajang

Fanged Wyverns

  • Zinogre
  • Stygian Zinogre

Flying Wyverns

  • Barioth
  • Sand Barioth
  • Basarios
  • Ruby Basarios
  • Diablos
  • Black Diablos
  • Gravios
  • Black Gravios
  • Khezu
  • Red Khezu
  • Monoblos
  • White Monoblos
  • Nargacuga
  • Green Nargacuga
  • Rathalos
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Silver Rathalos
  • Rathian
  • Pink Rathian
  • Gold Rathian
  • Seregios
  • Tigrex
  • Tigrex EX
  • Brute Tigrex
  • Molten Tigrex


  • Apceros
  • Aptonoth
  • Aptonoth EX
  • Kelbi
  • Popo
  • Slagtoth (Green and Brown)


  • Agnaktor
  • Agnaktor EX
  • Glacial Agnaktor
  • Lagiacrus
  • Ivory Lagiacrus
  • Ludroth
  • Royal Ludroth
  • Purple Ludroth
  • Uroktor
  • Uroktor EX


  • Barrel Felyne
  • Shakalaka


  • Altaroth
  • Bnahabra (Blue, Brown, Green, and Red)
  • Great Dracophage Bug
  • Great Thunderbug
  • Konchu (Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow)
  • Vespoid

Piscine Wyverns

  • Cephadrome
  • Cephalos

Snake Wyverns

  • Remobra


  • Nerscylla
  • Shrouded Nerscylla

Elder Dragons

  • Fatalis
  • Kirin
  • Oroshi Kirin
  • Kushala Daora
  • Makili Pietru
  • Versa Pietru
  • Teostra


  • Epona
  • Great Poogie
  • Kurenai Goukami