Exciting Updates for Minecraft Realms

Discover the latest enhancements to Minecraft's private server subscription service, Realms, offering an array of new features to enjoy with friends.
Exciting Updates for Minecraft Realms


  • Realm Stories hub revolutionizes player communication and collaboration in Minecraft Realms.
  • An expanded render distance upgrade enhances navigation and defense strategies in the game.
  • Monthly Character Creator packs provide players with endless cosmetic customization options through Realms Plus.

Minecraft's Realms and Realms Plus have recently undergone significant improvements, introducing fresh features like Realm Stories, improved render distance, and exclusive cosmetic items. These updates aim to foster better communication among players and add flair to character customization. Realms are exclusively available for the Bedrock edition of the game.

Realms and Realms Plus represent Minecraft's subscription-based private server service, initially launched in 2013 to offer a shared world for friends to explore without interference from other players. Over time, these personal realms have seen various enhancements, with the latest update focusing on enhancing player communication, event coordination, and more.

The recent Realms update specifically targets Realms Plus subscribers, introducing Realm Stories, a social hub designed to facilitate interaction among realm members. This feature includes multiple tabs such as the Story Feed for live event updates, the Timeline for scheduling realm activities, and the Member Tab to monitor online users. Additionally, the Comment thread allows for easy communication and coordination among players, ensuring a seamless gaming experience.

Minecraft Realms Subscription Receives Three Exciting Upgrades

  • Realm Stories social hub with enhanced functionality
  • Improved Render Distance for better navigation
  • Monthly provision of free Character Creator packs

In addition to the innovative Realm Stories feature, the update includes an eight-chunk expansion in render distance across most platforms. This enhancement proves invaluable for setting up meeting points, anticipating mob attacks, and exploring hidden realms within Minecraft. The extended visibility offers players a strategic advantage, enabling them to plan effectively and uncover hidden treasures.

Another notable addition is the monthly release of Character Creator packs, providing players with a plethora of cosmetic options. These packs, once unlocked, remain permanently accessible, offering players the opportunity to personalize their characters extensively. To access these packs, players can utilize the Marketplace feature, available for individual purchase or through the new Minecraft Marketplace Pass subscription service.

This comprehensive update brings significant improvements to Realms, enhancing communication, exploration, and customization. Players stand to benefit from streamlined coordination, increased visibility, and endless cosmetic possibilities. The enhanced features promise a more engaging and immersive gaming experience for all players involved.