Incredible Enchantment Library Crafted by Minecraft Player

Discover how a Minecraft player built a vast library housing every Enchantment in the game for fellow players to choose from.
Incredible Enchantment Library Crafted by Minecraft Player


  • A dedicated player established a remarkable Enchantment library within Minecraft.
  • Utilizing Redstone, Targets, and Slime Blocks, the player automated the process of loading books onto shelves.
  • The library encompasses all existing Enchantments in the game and is designed to accommodate future updates.

An avid Minecraft player has completed an extraordinary feat by creating a library dedicated to every Enchantment available in the game. Enchantments play a crucial role in enhancing various items within Minecraft, granting them unique abilities and advantages.

Since its inception, Enchantments have been a fundamental aspect of Minecraft. Initially used to empower tools like Shovels, Pickaxes, and armor, the system evolved with the introduction of enchanted books in version 1.4.6. This innovation allowed players to store enchantments on books for later application to items through an Anvil. Capitalizing on this feature, a player decided to enchant numerous books to populate a comprehensive library on their server with all available powers in the game.

YouTuber PuffingFish HQ recently showcased the creation of this impressive Enchantment library in a video. The process began with the player meticulously designing the interior of the library and then stocking the bookshelves with Minecraft Books. Subsequently, Shulker Boxes brimming with books were unloaded into labeled chests positioned behind the bookshelves. Through a sophisticated system involving Redstone, Targets, and Slime Blocks, connected to Hoppers, the books were automatically transferred onto the shelves as the player oversaw the shelves gradually filling up. The mechanism could be activated by flipping a lever linked to the Redstone system.

The Array of Enchantments in the Library

  • Aqua Affinity
  • Bane of Anthropods
  • Blast Protection
  • Channeling
  • Curse of Binding
  • Curse of Vanishing
  • Depth Strider
  • Efficiency
  • Feather Falling
  • Fire Aspect
  • Fire Protection
  • Fortune
  • Frost Walker
  • Knockback
  • Infinity
  • Looting
  • Luck of the Sea
  • Mending
  • Multishot
  • Piercing
  • Protection
  • Projectile Protection
  • Quick Charge
  • Respirations
  • Riptide
  • Sharpness
  • Silk Touch
  • Smite
  • Sweeping Edge
  • Thorns
  • Unbreaking

The interior of the library features a variety of materials including Minecraft Barrels, Bricks, Chains, Chiseled Tuff, Gold Blocks, Iron Trapdoors, Oak Wood and Slabs, Signs, Redstone Lamps, Sandstone, Stone Slabs, and different types of leaves. The design incorporates stripped Oak Wood for added visual appeal, with Chains adorning the sides of Levers. Iron Trapdoors are primarily used for aesthetic flooring, while Gold Blocks embellish the walls and extended areas. Enchantments within the library are denoted by Hanging Signs, whereas the book loading zone is marked by standard Signs on the Bookshelves, complemented by Stone Staircases.

By leaving room for additional Enchantments introduced in future Minecraft updates, PuffingFish HQ has ensured that the library remains up-to-date. Although the duration taken to amass such a vast collection of Enchantments remains undisclosed, the detailed video guide offers insights for enthusiasts looking to replicate the library. Given the immense utility of Enchantments, this architectural marvel is bound to attract significant attention and admiration within the player's server community.