Navigating Millennia: Tips for Dodging the Age Of Blood

Learn how to steer clear of the challenging Age of Blood in Millennia and improve your gameplay.
Navigating Millennia: Tips for Dodging the Age Of Blood


  • Understanding the Age of Blood mechanics is crucial for success in Millennia.
  • Avoiding the Age of Blood requires strategic planning and careful unit management.
  • Surviving the Age of Blood demands a focus on military strength and technology advancements.

Delving into the intricacies of selecting an era in the innovative 4X game Millennia can be perplexing. The decision-making process may not always rest with the player but could be influenced by the factions within the game. While factions typically steer clear of crisis ages like the Age of Blood, they often strive to pioneer new eras relentlessly.

The ambiguity surrounding era selection may discourage some players from fully embracing this unique mechanic in Millennia, separating it from its grand strategy counterparts. However, mastering this feature is essential for honing one's skills in the game, despite the initial lack of comprehensive tutorials common in Paradox Interactive's titles.

Tips to Dodge the Age Of Blood

Avoiding the tumultuous Age of Blood in Millennia is relatively straightforward compared to other crisis eras. Escaping this era's grasp requires conscious effort as locking into it mandates fulfilling substantial prerequisites, which can be circumvented with strategic planning. Triggering the Age of Blood becomes inevitable when a faction eliminates six non-barbarian units.

Essentially, the Age of Blood becomes a looming reality when multiple factions engage in full-blown warfare. However, the mere presence of two warring factions doesn't guarantee the onset of this age. Warfare exacts a toll in Millennia, where each military unit constructed comes at the expense of a region's development. Opting for defensive combat units to safeguard cities, even during conflicts, is an effective strategy to avert widespread warfare.

Strategies for Thriving in the Age Of Blood

Conversely, some players might actively seek to usher in the Age of Blood. Those with robust military forces and a penchant for aggression can benefit from the surge in banditry accompanying this era, posing challenges to ill-prepared factions. This age not only suppresses unrest caused by warfare but also reduces soldiers' wages, incentivizing and normalizing combat.

The Age of Blood transforms an already demanding strategy game into a ruthless battle for survival. Flourishing in this era mandates significant military investment, including the creation of numerous army units, especially those unlocked during this period, and the research of technologies enhancing a faction's combat prowess.

Prioritizing certain technologies during the Age of Blood, such as Brutality for fortified defenses and Barbarism for summoning specialized units, can bolster a player's strategic position. However, effective utilization of these technologies hinges on generating sufficient Warfare points to deploy these abilities.