Why Millennia Should Be on Civilization 7 Fans' Radar

With Civilization 7 still a distant prospect, check out Millennia for a refreshing 4X strategy gaming experience.
Why Millennia Should Be on Civilization 7 Fans' Radar


  • Millennia introduces unique hypothetical scenarios that reshape history and gameplay dynamics in the 4X genre.
  • Players navigate through 10 Ages in Millennia, encountering Variant and Crisis Ages that bring in new technologies and challenges.
  • Featuring intricate economic systems and captivating gameplay, Millennia is a promising alternative for fans eagerly anticipating Civilization 7.

Although Civilization 7's release is still far off, there are exciting developments to explore in the world of 4X strategy games. Leading the charge is Millennia, a game that promises a blend of familiarity and innovation for long-time Civ enthusiasts.

Developed by the relatively new studio C Prompt Games, Millennia marks the second project from industry veterans Robert Fermier and Ian M. Fischer, known for their work on titles like Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, and Halo Wars. Leveraging their expertise in strategy gaming, C Prompt Games aims to revolutionize the 4X genre with Millennia, making it a must-watch for Civilization 7 fans.

Why Civilization Fans Should Consider Millennia

Millennia: A Fresh Take on 4X Strategy Gaming

Millennia draws inspiration from Civilization and other 4X strategy games, offering players a familiar yet engaging experience. Players embark on building their own nation in Millennia, striving to achieve various victory conditions across 10 distinct Ages. The game's standout feature lies in its unique twist on history.

Unlike Civilization's adherence to real-world history, Millennia presents alternative scenarios that reshape nations with new technologies, units, and gameplay rules. These scenarios, categorized as