Insider Reveals New Metaphor: ReFantazio Details

Exciting new insights about the highly anticipated RPG, Metaphor: ReFantazio, surface online just before Atlus's upcoming preview event.
Insider Reveals New Metaphor: ReFantazio Details


  • Metaphor: ReFantazio is said to utilize an upgraded version of the GFD engine, which was also used for Persona 5.
  • Atlus is reportedly planning an array of downloadable content for the forthcoming RPG.
  • A comprehensive video preview of Metaphor: ReFantazio is scheduled for April 22, offering fans a deeper look into the game.

A trusted source recently disclosed fresh details regarding Metaphor: ReFantazio. These revelations surfaced online just before the next Metaphor: ReFantazio preview event hosted by Atlus.

June 12 will be a significant milestone, marking one year since the reveal of Metaphor: ReFantazio. Initially teased in 2016 under the project codename "Project Re Fantasy," this upcoming RPG will mark Atlus's return to original IP creation after over a decade. Although the game is aiming for a fall 2024 release, no official launch date has been announced yet.

Upgraded Engine for Metaphor: ReFantazio

A prominent Sega insider known as Midori recently shared additional insights about the RPG on Twitter. Among the revelations was the use of an upgraded version of the GFD engine, the same engine behind Persona 5. This engine has also powered Catherine: Full Body and various Persona spin-off games. Despite recent shifts to third-party engines like Unity (Persona 5 Tactica) and Unreal Engine (Persona 3 Reload), the choice to stick with GFD for Metaphor aligns with Atlus Studio Zero's history, as their previous game, the re-release of Catherine, was also developed on the GFD engine.

Post-Launch Content Plans

Midori hinted at the possibility of "various DLC" for Metaphor: ReFantazio after its launch. Given Atlus's tradition of providing post-release content for its games, this rumor isn't surprising. Following past patterns, Atlus might keep the DLC plans under wraps until the game's release. If the speculation about extensive post-launch content holds true, Atlus could introduce an expansion pass model akin to the one for Persona 3 Reload.

This unofficial information emerged just before the upcoming Metaphor: ReFantazio live stream event scheduled for April 22 at 3pm PT / 6pm ET / 12am CET. The broadcast promises an in-depth look at the game, potentially delving into gameplay mechanics that previous trailers only lightly touched upon.

While there's a chance that Atlus and Sega might reveal the release date for Metaphor: ReFantazio during the April 22 event, it could be premature considering the game's Q4 2024 launch window. Speculations suggest a more likely release date announcement at the June 2024 Xbox Games Showcase.