Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's Approach in the Shadow of the FF7 Remake Project

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater and the Final Fantasy 7 Remake project have distinct narratives, yet a shared factor may emerge.
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's Approach in the Shadow of the FF7 Remake Project


  • Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater may take a fresh approach to the story, potentially diverging significantly from the original game's concept.
  • The inclusion of "Delta" in the title implies alterations or distinctions while preserving the core structure, but the extent of these modifications remains uncertain.
  • Drawing from the controversial story changes in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the remake could handle its narrative adjustments cautiously to prevent mixed reactions from fans. Introducing flashbacks and enabling players to inhabit different characters could offer novel viewpoints.

Remakes and remasters of classic titles have become a popular trend in the gaming industry, offering fans modern adaptations of their beloved games. While Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is about to make its debut, attention is also turning to Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 unveiled at a PlayStation State of Play event last year. However, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater might tread a path similar to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy, stirring up anticipation among fans.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake project by Square Enix is a monumental endeavor, resulting in the original title being divided into three separate releases, starting with Final Fantasy 7 Remake and continuing with the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. As part of this grand venture, the remake has expanded the world and storyline of the original Final Fantasy 7, introducing controversial plot elements such as the Whispers, entities that exist to enforce fate's course. While Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater isn't built as a trilogy, it may introduce similar alterations to the original game's narrative.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Might Revolutionize Story Elements from the Original

The Metal Gear series is renowned for its intricate storyline involving clones, nanomachines, and a clandestine government controlling the world. Nevertheless, fans anticipate the core narrative of Metal Gear Solid 3 to remain intact in its remake, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. The use of