Top PC Mods to Enhance Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Discover the finest mods available for the PC version of Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain.
Top PC Mods to Enhance Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain


  • Customize your gaming experience with these top mods
  • Enhance graphics, gameplay, and overall enjoyment
  • Explore new content and features with these popular mods

The beauty of PC gaming lies in the ability to personalize games to suit individual preferences. Mods offer a unique way to transform a game’s dynamics and enrich every facet of gameplay. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain stands as one of the most significant titles of the 2010s, and the modding community has elevated it to extraordinary heights.

The game's emphasis on freedom aligns seamlessly with mods, allowing players to craft the most exhilarating experience possible. These mods span graphic enhancements, texture/model modifications, and gameplay overhauls, offering an array of options to enhance the game. Among the multitude of available mods, a select few stand out as exceptional.

7 SnakeBite Mod Manager

Total Downloads: 735,276

  • Developed by Topher

When it comes to installing mods, using a mod manager can streamline the process. Managing the numerous files required for mods becomes more convenient with a mod manager.

SnakeBite Mod Manager functions as two mods in one. It not only facilitates the installation and removal of mod files but also saves collections of mods for easy sharing among users. These collections can be seamlessly transferred to another user's system, preserving all original settings and files. While some mods can be installed without SnakeBite Mod Manager, it undoubtedly simplifies the entire process.

6 Infinite Heaven

Total Downloads: 426,658

  • Created by Tin Man Tex

One of the most captivating aspects of Metal Gear Solid 5 lies in its base building and management mechanics on the Mother Base. Infinite Heaven expands this facet of the game while introducing additional customization options and features. It even incorporates a Subsistence mode, appealing to players fond of the ambiance and gameplay reminiscent of the PS2-era Metal Gear titles.

This mod also enables the formidable Skull enemies to invade players during free-roaming segments. With its substantial alterations, this mod offers a fresh perspective, making it a valuable addition to any mod collection.

5 S++ Soldier Mod

Total Downloads: 264,778

  • Created by Jarhad

Another fundamental component of Metal Gear Solid 5 revolves around training soldiers for Big Boss's Diamond Dog militia. Prior to this mod, acquiring S++ soldiers necessitated training through the Forward Operating Base (FOB) extension, a time-consuming process that often entailed infiltrating other players' FOBs.

This mod facilitates the discovery of high-ranking soldiers in the field, enabling players to expedite their base's advancement. However, it's crucial to note that utilizing this mod may lead to potential multiplayer bans. While most mods are likely safe, conducting thorough research and exercising caution is imperative.

4 No More Timers

Total Downloads: 213,349

  • Created by Jarhad

This straightforward yet pivotal mod eliminates the time constraints associated with researching equipment, constructing base platforms, and deployments. While the time requirements serve a crucial balancing purpose, this mod is ideal for those seeking to experiment with diverse load-outs and equipment.

The freedom to develop new equipment at will introduces an entirely new dynamic to the game, seamlessly integrating with the gameplay loop of constantly adapting strategies as the enemy evolves. A must-have for both newcomers and veterans of Metal Gear Solid 5.

3 The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod

Total Downloads: 129,725

  • Created by NasaNhak

Regrettably, this mod is only compatible with a specific version of Metal Gear Solid 5, yet it offers comprehensive control over customizing the entire gaming experience. The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod enables fans to implement New Game Plus functionality in a game that originally lacked it, significantly enhancing the game's replay value.

Players can tweak various mechanics such as helicopter rides, time passage speed, and even intensify the game's difficulty by adjusting enemy AI. This mod also empowers players to customize the user interface, allowing them to remove world markers or the x-ray effect that enables seeing through solid terrain.

2 New Female Faces And Hairs

Total Downloads: 122,449

  • Created by Morbidslinky

The New Female Faces And Hairs mod presents a complete overhaul of the playable female characters in Metal Gear Solid 5. With this mod, female characters feature enhanced eyelash textures, modified hair physics, and minor model tweaks, offering players an expanded array of options.

This mod has no impact on body proportions and is entirely safe for all audiences. While the original female models were diverse and suited their roles as soldiers, players may occasionally seek to present a more refined appearance while navigating their militant endeavors.

1 Morbid's Side-OP Expansion Pack

Total Downloads: 79,493

  • Created by Morbidslinky

This mod collaborates with Infinite Heaven to introduce an abundance of new content.

Functioning akin to an unofficial DLC, Morbid's Side-Op Expansion pack injects 50 new side missions into Metal Gear Solid 5. Players seeking additional content without altering the core experience need look no further than this mod.

Delivering a wealth of intense, challenging content, this mod furnishes everything a player requires to prolong their enjoyment. Additionally, the mod orchestrates unique enemy patrols through clever reorganization of enemy placements, coupled with new flavor text. Morbid's Side-Op Expansion seamlessly complements the base game in numerous ways.