Maximizing Mech Capabilities in Lightyear Frontier

Upgrade your mech in Lightyear Frontier to enhance exploration efficiency and resource gathering.
Maximizing Mech Capabilities in Lightyear Frontier


  • Unlocking and building the Upgrade Depot is crucial for advancing your mech.
  • Explore Pine Heights for materials to craft the Upgrade Depot.
  • Upgrade your Mech Tools in categories like Gathering, Traversal, and Farming for enhanced performance.

Lightyear Frontier focuses on exploring a mysterious planet, restoring lands, and gathering resources to sustain your campsite and farm.

However, the default mech has limitations in exploration. To excel, acquiring upgrades is vital for efficient navigation.

Acquiring the Upgrade Depot

To access Mech Upgrades, start by unlocking and constructing the Upgrade Depot. Obtain the crafting recipe by gathering Stone and Aluminum, commonly found in Pine Heights. Resources needed to build the Depot:

Upgrade Depot Crafting Recipe

  • Stone x25
  • Aluminum Rod x6
  • Aluminum Frame x4 (Convert extra Aluminum Rods into Frames using the Assembler.)

Mech Tool Upgrades

Post Depot construction, enhance your Mech Tools in Gathering, Traversal, and Farming. Gather required resources and spend them on desired upgrades. Details of available upgrades and required resources: