Mastering Zau in Tales of Kenzera: Essential Skills to Prioritize

Discover the key skills to unlock and upgrade first in Tales of Kenzera: Zau to enhance your gameplay experience.
Mastering Zau in Tales of Kenzera: Essential Skills to Prioritize


  • Prioritize unlocking Moon and Sun skills strategically for optimal performance in the game.
  • Mastering skills like Perfect Recharge, Increased Light Charges, and Lunar Blast II can significantly boost your combat effectiveness.
  • Unlocking all skills is not mandatory, but it contributes to completion and rewards in the game.

Embark on the captivating journey of Zau in Tales of Kenzera: Zau as he ventures to resurrect his father from the Realm of the Dead. Progress through the game, defeat foes, and accumulate skill points to invest in a variety of abilities that not only enhance gameplay but also cater to individual play styles.

With a total of 16 skills to choose from, players can opt to unlock upgraded versions of different abilities. While unlocking all skills is not obligatory, it aids in achieving 100% completion and earns the coveted "Shaman of All Trades" trophy/achievement.

Top Moon Skills to Unlock First in Tales of Kenzera: Zau

Among the eight Moon Skills available, certain skills stand out as essential choices. Here are the top picks:

Perfect Recharge

Perfect Recharge significantly improves the Moon side by enhancing recharge speed, allowing quicker charge refills and increased damage for a brief period. This skill eliminates the need to switch to the Sun side frequently.

Increased Light Charges

Starting with eight charges, Zau benefits from quicker reloads with the Perfect Recharge Skill. The ability to shoot more Light Charges before reloading proves invaluable against airborne enemies, making it a top priority skill on the Moon side.

Lunar Blast II

Lunar Blast II is a potent ability with an extensive reach and improved damage output, essential for combatting airborne foes efficiently and unlocking advanced skills in the Moon tree.

Top Sun Skills to Unlock First in Tales of Kenzera: Zau

Similar to Moon Skills, the eight Sun Skills offer unique advantages in close-ranged combat situations. Here are the essential Sun Skills:

Perfect Strike

Master Perfect Strike to enhance Light Attack combos, dealing increased damage to enemies and streamlining combat encounters with well-timed button presses.

Extended Form

Unlock Extended Form to augment your Sun Light Attack combo, delivering additional strikes that ensure enemies are swiftly defeated.

Supernova II

Supernova II is a powerful Sun ability ideal for annihilating groups of enemies in Spirit Rituals, boasting increased radius and damage output for efficient enemy disposal.

Enhance your gameplay experience by strategically unlocking and mastering Moon and Sun Skills, ensuring you are fully equipped to tackle the challenges that await in Tales of Kenzera: Zau.